Huffington Post Gets Owned By Fake Commentary
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 9 months ago
Bottom line: It wasn’t for moral reasons, like it might inspire more violence, terror and misery. The simple truth is, they got punked. The author of the article wasn’t a real leftist spouting the requisite subversive and hateful inanities. It was a setup, an intentionally outrageous submission from a fake contributor who succeeded in appealing to HuffPo’s elitist strain of privileged “progressivism” and getting the piece published in a forum that would reach the world.
Like Neil Young got owned by Lynyrd Skynyrd in “Sweet Home Alabama,” which was an answer to his “Southern Man,” the Huffington Post got owned by a fake commentary.
But Neil Young was actually sorry he ever published Southern Man and admitted that Lynyrd Skynyrd had a point (despite laughable claims that somehow they really agreed on things – I remember the details). Huffington Post wanted all of this to be true and sincere, but frankly got embarrassed, not by the subject, but the fakery.
So read part of the commentary for yourself and decide whether Huffington Post appreciates white men: “If white men no longer had the vote, the progressive cause would be strengthened. It would not be necessary to deny white men indefinitely — the denial of the vote to white men for 20 years (just less than a generation) would go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world,” it continued, adding that although “it may be unfair . . . a moratorium on the franchise for white males for a period of between 20 and 30 years is a small price to pay for the pain inflicted by white males on others.”
On April 19, 2017 at 5:18 am, DAN III said:
What a coincidence….the racial and religious attacks by left-wing Caucasians against both Christianity and Caucasian men, appears to have commenced under the 8 year rain of the moslem and Marxist usurper Soetoro-obama. These attacks accelerating with the election of DJ Trump and the disenfranchising of their commie queen, Hillary Clinton.
This is no longer the country I grew up in and served for many, many years. The Republic is in the deepest depths of dung it has ever been in.
On April 19, 2017 at 5:23 am, DAN III said:
19 April 1775:
“”Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon….” – – Captain John Parker at Lexington Green – –
242 years ago today. It appears we are coming full circle
On April 19, 2017 at 6:14 am, DAN III said:
My comment @ 0518 “reign” not “rain”. I regret the error.
On April 20, 2017 at 11:23 pm, bart simpsonson said:
What the huffing and puffington post really means is that white men, the backbone of America, are the toughest group to sucker in to their idiocy. Except for those white men who are too stupid or pussy to get what originally made America happen.