Eliminating D.C.’s Handgun Ban Had No Effect On Homicides
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 9 months ago
The people who generally obeyed the ban were law-abiding citizens and not the criminals … drug gangs – which are frequently the shooters in D.C. homicides – obtained handguns regardless of whether the ban was in place.
I’m certain that the D.C. police and other collectivists inside the beltway are shocked. Just SHOCKED!!
Get thee to thy fainting couch, commies!
On April 22, 2017 at 1:50 am, Cassandra (of Troy) said:
Hoodafiggerd DAT? Yikes!
Interesting how as time passes more & more ‘inconvenient truths’ (like the above cited/its CDC counterpart & the plain experience of an increasing multitude of Americans) about ‘gun control’ emerge &, due to such venues as the internet, are disseminated widely & steadily degrade the anti-2A/pro-thug/pro-dictatorship cult’s contentions simultaneously driving said cultists to ever more outrageous (& counter-productively revealing) pronouncements/acts that turn former 2A fence-sitters (a.k.a. ‘moderates’) into adherents of the CDF/Cold Dead Fingers philosophy thus creating a self-reinforcing feed-back loop.
And things like the new Sandy Hook Elementary School & others adopting the N.R.A.’s ‘Harder Schools’ suggestion (despite the cult’s VERY vocal/WELL funded & promoted campaign against it) along w/ the HUGE increase of firearms sales/CCW reform & subsequent training are more examples of the American people’s rejection of the cult’s position. Gotta love it!