City Officials In Ozark Want To Ban Concealed Weapons In City Buildings
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 8 months ago
City officials in Ozark are discussing a possible ban on concealed weapons in certain places.
People in Missouri can carry a concealed weapon without a permit in most places. Police departments and a few other places are still off limits.
“However, you can carry a concealed weapon in city hall if it’s not posted,” says Ozark city attorney Dave Collignon.
One city official asked someone with a concealed weapon to leave Finley River Park. Guns are allowed at the park though. That’s what started the discussion amongst city council members.
The plan is to further limit where concealed weapons are allowed and to make a list for people of places having a concealed weapon is not allowed.
When men and women get charge of someone else, there is virtually no limit to what they are willing to dictate. I’ve seen church elders and deacons want to dictate what people wear, what they say, how they act, how they address them, and on and on the list goes. Rulers reflexively turn into tyrants. That’s why in my own view of church government I’ve become a Congregationalist. I’ve never seen the “rulership” form(s) of church government function well or become anything other than a laughingstock or tyranny. Not ever. Not even once.
The same is true concerning civil government. It doesn’t matter that these people aren’t national leadership, or weren’t elected at the state level. They want the power to tax, determine matters for the local schools, signage, roads, utilities, and tell you when and where you can effect life-saving self defense or defense of someone else.
Tyrants, one and all. In case you ever wondered, this is why we need preemption laws. Right here. And the next town full of little communists, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one. No town, city, or municipality has ever relaxed laws or regulations compared to state law. They are all more restrictive. If you find an example to the contrary, tell us about it and I’ll retract this statement.
On May 19, 2017 at 2:33 am, Miles said:
Actually, Missouri does have state legislature preemption of gun laws.
The only stipulation in the law about carrying weapons being that a locality has the power to restrict open carry of firearms within it’s city limits, with the limitation that a person with a Concealed Carry permit may open carry (the ostensible reason being to eliminate charges for ‘flashing’ but purposely worded in a way that it encompasses all open carry).
The only possible places that a city government could prohibit carry, would be buildings where the law allows that a building owner can post ‘No weapons’.
If they want to ban carry in a city park, they’ll have to go through the state legislature to get a law passed to allow that.
The current political makeup of those bodies make the odds of such even getting scheduled for a hearing in committee are so low as to be seen as comic relief.
The city council members of Ozark know damn well they have no lawful power to do what they’re whining about. This is nothing more than political ‘pearl clutching’.
To your last paragraph:
(Informational only as crap like this is nothing new, but has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. No need to retract what you wrote as Springfield didn’t do this ‘willingly’. Unwritten was that a lawsuit had been filed so as to “inform” Springfield that they were AFU)
On May 19, 2017 at 6:57 am, Fred said:
If the petty tyrants were not tyrants they would not need to fear their neighbors.
On May 19, 2017 at 8:55 am, John Taylor said:
No town, city, or municipality has ever relaxed laws or regulations compared to state law. If you find an example to the contrary, tell us about it and I’ll retract this statement.
How about Charlotte NC ‘s admittedly absurd bathroom ordinance that sparked the infamous state law “HB2”?
Admittedly it is an example in reverse, but it may still qualify.
On May 19, 2017 at 12:19 pm, Archer said:
One city official asked someone with a concealed weapon to leave Finley River Park. Guns are allowed at the park though. That’s what started the discussion amongst city council members.
The plan is to further limit where concealed weapons are allowed and to make a list for people of places having a concealed weapon is not allowed.
Consistent theme among tyrants. When they find something they don’t like that the law doesn’t prohibit, rather than learn to like it (or at least tolerate it) they try to change the law to prohibit it.
Of course, “tyrant” is such a strong word. We could instead modify the H.L. Mencken definition of “puritan”: a person possessed of the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, other than themselves, may be happy.
On May 19, 2017 at 4:36 pm, Lina Inverse said:
This is the town where Fiocchi makes 75% of the ammo it sells in the US.