Do Your Job, Representative Culberson
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 8 months ago
“So please, Congressman Culberson, make the right choice and delete the Schumer amendment from this year’s Commerce-Justice-Science ‘chairman’s mark,’” GOA asks in a representative message intended for members to amplify.
I’d go a step further. I’d let Culberson know that with an “A”-rating from GOA and with an “A+” and endorsement from NRA, I shouldn’t have to be sending polite form mailers asking him to “please” do his job. He’s happy to accept gun owners support and to represent himself as a Second Amendment leader and champion. It’s not too much to expect him to act like one and to vocally lead the charge on this, especially since it’s taking place in his wheelhouse.
Yea. I’m damn sick and tired of good ratings for senate gargoyles and congresscritters who undercut their constituency. Things like this are easily fixed if we just have the guts to hold our representatives accountable.
It’s also a crying shame, I might add, that a single man has this kind of power. What an awful place, this den of pit vipers.
On May 22, 2017 at 9:39 pm, Uncle Kenny said:
Don’t bet on Culberson. He was my Congressman for 10 years and the main thing that I learned about him in that time was that he could only be trusted to do what was best for himself.
He talks a conservative game because that elects him on the West side of Houston, but he is a self-interested, big government guy.
On May 23, 2017 at 7:21 am, Fred said:
GOA Action Alert on this: