Fudds Are Not Your Friends
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 8 months ago
David Codrea receives a visit from now defeated Rob Quist, who says this.
The real question that you all need to address is that while Mr. Gianforte puts out ads showing himself hunting, he has given buckets of money to the very groups whose main goal is to take our public lands. I feel like the NRA backed the wrong horse on this one, and having been in other states that have lost access to public lands, the bamboozle has begun. I got into this race to protect our public lands and surely you all must know that the number one reason that people no longer hunt, fish and recreate is the loss of access to public lands. Do some research about these groups he funds: Americans For Prosperity, PERC, and the Heritage Foundation, and you will see why the Montana Sportsmans Alliance PAC and the Hunters and Anglers backed me…
He got into the race to protect “public lands.” This is all about hunting, fishing and recreating. Because he says so. That’s our second amendment right.
Well, if the Montana Sportsmans Alliance PAC and the Hunters and Anglers (whomever that is) actually backed him, they should be ashamed. The Montana Sportsmans Alliance PAC and the Hunters and Anglers are welcome to drop by and explain themselves.
On June 1, 2017 at 7:32 am, Handlebar said:
Dear Sir,
I do not live in Montana, just three miles off the line. this has been a tough election for many people over there. Many support Gianforte because of the R behind his name and his stand on firearms. However many conservative folks are troubled by his stance on public lands. Montana is now awash with very wealthy out-of-staters who are locking up huge chunks of ground. Certainly on private land that is their right. However their has been a movement to restrict access to streams and rivers and the movement by some groups to transfer Forest Service and BLM. As you can imagine hunting and fishing is a big deal in that state. These issues are going to make for some strange bedfellows.
I enjoy your blog. thank you
On June 1, 2017 at 9:19 am, Ned said:
Rob Quistling?
On June 1, 2017 at 9:34 am, Handlebar said:
No, Who is Rob Quistling?