Fraternal Order Of Police Opposes Ohio Constitutional Carry
BY Herschel Smith
“Michael Weinman, director of governmental affairs with the Fraternal Order of Police, said the organization opposes the legislation,” The Canton Repository reports.
“Weinman said firearms training, currently necessitated by the licensing process, should be required of concealed-carry holders,” the report elaborates. “The police union opposes the bill.
“We’re very leery of … what crimes you’d be allowed to carry with,” Weinman is quoted. “Does it open it up for people who assaulted police officers to be able to now carry?”
“The sky is falling,” screamed chicken little. But it never happens. It hasn’t happened that way in any state where constitutional carry is part of the fabric of state statutes.
And he is lying partly because they want control, and partly because it’s all about the money. But I repeat myself.
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