The Vague But Deeply Held Perception That We Live In a Dangerous World
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 7 months ago
Why do so many Americans own handguns, and resist the regulation of firearms? “Protection” is the most common response, but who (or what) exactly are they protecting themselves from? And why do fact-based arguments, such as the reduction in crime rates and the dangers of having a gun in the house, fail to change minds?
Newly published research provides a partial answer. It finds handgun ownership is motivated by two distinct impulses: “The specific perceived threat of assault, and a diffuse threat of a dangerous world.”
A research team led by University of Groningen psychologist Wolfgang Stroebe reports that second, vague notion of potential peril is the stronger of the two—and the one most resistant to rethinking.
“Handgun ownership and advocacy is, at least in part, a psychological phenomenon,” the researchers write. “Gun ownership is predicted by various levels of perceived risk”—including the difficult-to-dislodge belief that the world is a menacing place.
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“This could make it difficult to conduct persuasion campaigns aimed at dissuading handgun owners of the need to own a gun (or support limitations on gun ownership),” they write. That’s because “a broader system of beliefs about the nature of the social world, and what people are like, is extremely difficult to influence.”
Such mindsets are learned in childhood, and tend to shape one’s thinking for the rest of one’s life.
If you believe that sin is the moral malady and affliction of mankind, the psychologists don’t know what to do with you. The world must surely be a safe place, because just shut up. They are looking for ways to retrain your thinking, but sadly you’ve learned this behavior and world view in childhood. They find it difficult to dislodge.
Have you ever seen a profession so disconnected from reality as this one? You may as well consider them Voodoo practitioners and witchdoctors.
On June 9, 2017 at 4:56 pm, Bill Robbins said:
Foreign observers will never understand the motivations and thinking behind the 2nd Amendment. Unfortunately, many domestic observers no longer understand, either.
On June 9, 2017 at 6:03 pm, Joshua Smith said:
Every last thing a human does is “in part, a psychological phenomenon.”
This piece is just raw Leftist propaganda wrapped in academia, which has been an interesting and pervasive phenomenon over the last century of two, at least.
On June 10, 2017 at 3:22 am, Steve S. said:
I am a responsible and free thinking individual.
I now own several fire extinguishers in case of the possible event of a fire. When I was a child, I learned that house fires can happen and how to use such a device to help me survive one. Fortunately for me, one day when my BBQ erupted into an out of control grease fire, I was ready and able to effectively handle it.
I always use my seatbelt when I drive. As a teenager, I learned that doing so greatly increases the odds of me surviving a car accident. Fortunately for me, I have indeed survived more than car accident because of using it.
I own now own several firearms and routinely practice with them to keep my skills sharp and frosty. Over the years, everything I have learned about the potential for evil in human nature has been reconfirmed by what I have seen and experienced in my life. Fortunately for me and my family, I choose to proactively prepare for it so as not be a victim of it, but to instead counter it with all that I am, God forbid I ever have to confront at its worst.
If the anti’s really think that our kind can ever be pursuaded to change who we are or what we know to be true simply through their use of some fancy ad campaign or other propaganda, well, to borrow a famous quote, they just don’t know who they are messing with.
On June 10, 2017 at 3:32 pm, Roger J said:
I was about to comment on the POS linked article, but saw that dozens of my fellow citizens had beaten me to it, and posted pro-2A comments. What gets my goat is the snide remark about a “better-educated” generation that will buy the gun ban propaganda. Well, I have two Master’s degrees and I don’t buy the Bloomberg crap. I think that with BETTER education it becomes easier to spot the lies and contradictions that pass for “truth” among the “progressives” and go unquestioned by the media.
On June 11, 2017 at 7:54 am, Talktome said:
Psychology is the one “scientific field” that there are no defined testing criteria for the “afflictions” they labor to diagnose. It’s all opinion and best guess. And, they know it. Their treatements for their supposed diagnosis are at best, a hopeful shot in the dark. At worst, they unleash the monster they seek to cure. Calling them Charlatans gives charlatans a bad name.
On June 11, 2017 at 1:13 pm, Fred said:
The guy should go into the woods and ask a grizzly why, in childhood, it’s mother taught him to grow fangs and claws. (This is what he implied about humans, is it not?) Perhaps that will clear up the cloudiness for him. If not then he ought to punch it in the nose for a more complete understanding. Then for practical application he could go to the center Riyadh and start screaming Jesus is Christ your LORD. Or perhaps go to south central for a little Q and A with MS13 (the blacks left) about how they ought to submit to his newfangled religion. Or, spit on a cop car because it is, after all, his property.
Vagueries can get you killed.
On June 12, 2017 at 12:13 pm, MamaLiberty said:
Unfortunately, the last generation or two of our children and grandchildren ARE being taught to be helpless victims and pliable “citizens” in the government indoctrination camps called “public schools.”
Why does anyone who understands and lives for individual liberty continue to allow their children to be brainwashed in those “schools?” BRING THEM OUT! Find alternate ways to educate them! Do not say you “can’t afford it,” or any other excuse. If you do… those brainwashed children will be happy to give your guns to the destroyers as soon as you are gone… and maybe sooner.
On June 12, 2017 at 6:45 pm, Thomas J Crowley said:
Yes, the younger generation has been dumbed down about the 1st 10 amendments to our constitution, I doubt the Constitution is even taught anymore except that the founders owned slaves. I believe the ending of the draft went a long way towards that dumbing down. We were taught about those things in the Army along with how to aim and shoot.
On June 15, 2017 at 8:26 am, cycjec said:
Contrast the research of a Professor Zajonc on “mere exposure” [repetition, exposure often
increases liking. that’s a cursory summary. ]
with the Alexander Pope verse [from memory]
on *** vice ***
which I just locate [thanks to lynx]
Vice is monster of so frightful mien
as to be hated needs but to be seen
yet seen to oft, to familiar with her face
we first endure then pity then embrace