Katie Pavlich Advocates For More Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 7 months ago
On “America’s Newsroom” today, Katie Pavlich said it’s a “no-brainer” that congressmen and women should be allowed to carry a firearm in D.C. if they have the proper permit.
She pointed to Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) comments that if armed Capitol Hill police had not been present at the baseball field last week, “it would have been a massacre.”
“The only reason why that shooting stopped is because two people with firearms were able to take out the assailant,” Pavlich said.
She said that everybody, members of Congress included, should be able to carry a concealed weapon in these currently restricted areas.
Mary Anne Marsh said she’s not in favor of this change, but she said if it does happen, then there should be one uniform standard for concealed carry across the nation.
“If you want to do this, then let’s have one uniform national standard, because people come from every state, every city and town, capital,” March said. “Let’s have everyone have one standard.”
Pavlich agreed that there should be a national standard. She argued that should include D.C., so that members of Congress and regular citizens can take responsibility for their own safety.
Do you want more gun control? Because this is how you get more gun control.
Good Lord, Katie. With constitutional carry either passed or under consideration in many states, the very last thing we want is for some allegedly pro-gun girl to argue in favor of putting the fedgov in charge of “uniform standards” for anything, most especially guns.
And worst of all is if the fedgov made carry not only subject to CLEO regulation, but some sort of law or federal code.
Good grief honey. Think before you speak.
On June 20, 2017 at 9:01 am, Ned said:
Because (((national standards))) have worked so well everywhere else, right Katie?
This position squares with the “conservative” position of constantly and consistently giving ground and slow surrender to the left.
This position is defeatist, and is akin to Democrats claiming all books must be burned now. The Republicans object, and say a slow system implementing book burning must be imposed.
Little wonder the alt right has so much contempt for purported conservatives.
On June 20, 2017 at 9:57 am, June J said:
She IS thinking. Thinking about getting along with her fellow “journalists”, thinking about getting asked her opinions again, thinking “common sense gun control” should be acceptable.
On June 20, 2017 at 11:06 am, Archer said:
Here’s my idea for a “national standard”: The fed.gov should keep its grubby mitts out of standardizing the carry of firearms, nationwide. Period. Full stop.
It’s really not that different from just about anything (everything) else the fed.gov decides to take up; the States can do it better if the feds would just stay out of the way.
This isn’t just for firearms, either — the fed.gov should generally stay out of everything and leave it to the States. Some very narrow exceptions apply (see U.S. Constitution, Art. 1, Sec. 8); they should be treated as exceptions and not the rule.
How’s that for a “national standard”, Katie?