ISIS On Gun Carry Reciprocity According To Cy Vance
BY Herschel Smith
New York County District Attorney Cy Vance in an interview aired Sunday blasted a GOP plan that would allow qualified owners to carry concealed handguns in other states that allow individuals to carry concealed firearms.
Speaking to radio host John Catsimatidis on AM 970 in New York, Vance argued that the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act introduced earlier this year would only put New York City at risk of violence.
“If that bill passes, I believe the safety, and the greater safety we have achieved will be at risk,” he said.
The bill, which was introduced in the House by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) and a version in the Senate by Sen. John Cornyn , would allow concealed carry owners to carry in any state that permits the practice as long as they qualify to concealed carry in their home state.
Vance argued that the bill would allow people to bring guns from states with lax gun laws to New York, where gun restrictions are much tighter.
“It would be completely legal for a person to bring a loaded gun or guns in New York as long as it was legal to possess them in the person’s home state,” Vance explained.
“A guy from Idaho, where there’s no permitting requirement whatsoever, could carry his gun into New York city loaded, into Times Square.”
The district attorney warned lawmakers that they were “playing into the hand” of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other terrorists, pointing to ISIS publications describing the ease of buying guns in some American states.
“This bill is supported, I’m sure, by ISIS,” Vance said.
So according to Cy Vance, ISIS has been waiting in the wings for national carry reciprocity so they can legally carry weapons into New York to perpetrate acts of terror. There is celebrating in Raqqa tonight.
Cy Vance is of the school of thought that goes something like this: “If you don’t know what else to do, just make up some shit and say, ‘The boogey man is gonna getcha!'”
Boo! Hold me uncle Bob! I’m askeerd! Boo!
On June 25, 2017 at 11:58 pm, Pat Hines said:
I’m opposed to Concealed Carry Reciprocity by the US government. I really don’t want people from New York, California, Massachusetts, or New Jersey carrying firearms in South Carolina.
On June 26, 2017 at 8:21 am, Elmo said:
Cy Vance either suffers from cognitive dissonance in the extreme or thinks that the fools that voted for him will believe whatever he says, no matter how illogical of nonsensical it might be.
Oh, wait a second. He’s the son of Jimma Carter’s Secretary of State. That explains everything.
Never mind.
On June 26, 2017 at 9:18 am, Herschel Smith said:
Irrelevant. No one from NY, Ca., Mass. or NJ has such a thing as a carry permit. Besides, that’s not really the subject of the post.
On June 26, 2017 at 11:29 am, June J said:
Because without Concealed Carry Reciprocity the potential ISIS terrorists won’t bring their guns into NYC. It seems the younger Cy Vance is afflicted with the same kind of Jimmy Carter kool-aid drinking as his father.
On June 26, 2017 at 11:48 am, Archer said:
The bill, which was introduced in the House by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) and a version in the Senate by Sen. John Cornyn , would allow concealed carry owners to carry in any state that permits the practice as long as they qualify to concealed carry in their home state.
No, it wouldn’t. Nice straw man on the part of the article’s author, though.
The bill, if passed and signed by the President, would allow people to carry concealed in any state that permits the practice (i.e. all 50 states, but not necessarily U.S. territories) as long as they have been issued a license/permit to carry concealed in their home state.
The article’s author seems to want to make it sound like “ZOMGGUNZEVERYWHEREZ!!!” The reality would be more like, “Licensed, background-checked people carrying guns past their state borders.”
There’s a subtle difference.
On June 26, 2017 at 12:20 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Which would of course still prevent me from ever going to or flying over NY, Mass., Maryland, or NJ. By choice. I don’t go places where I cannot carry.
Not that I have all that many chances to go those places anyway or even want to.
On June 26, 2017 at 1:18 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Idiots like Cy Vance are either stupid for believing the tripe that comes out of their pieholes or evil for lying about something so demonstrably false. They are not mutually exclusive, either.
On June 26, 2017 at 6:43 pm, Roger V. Tranfaglia said:
Hey Cap’n
What this guy, Vance, is trying to say is
1; Isis s a “state” IE a government in place over a geographical region, ruling its “citizens”.
2; Therefore any Jihadist can board a plane, with weapon in hand, and fly to anywhere in the US of A. To cause havoc cause its LEGAL! (If NR passes)
What Vance and these Jihadist don’t understand, weather its Podunk,Maine or NYC They would be met with EVERY gun owner in the immediate region (Grandma’s too) to blast them away before they EVEN think about going through Customs.
Vance HAS NOT thought it through! Just my 2 cents.
On June 27, 2017 at 7:04 am, James said:
Isis can just get their guns we shipped em in the mid east/from the cartels holder armed ect.
Screw reciprocity and all,all US citizens have a right to carry and defend themselves,even if they finish shredding the bill of rights