Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Should Members Of Congress Carry Guns?

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago


As Bloomberg News reported Thursday morning, some Republican members of Congress responded to these events by proposing that lawmakers carry their own guns for protection. Representative Dave Brat of Virginia told reporters that Congress should consider allowing members to arm themselves for the sake of safety. At present, firearms and other dangerous weapons (except those carried by law enforcement) are prohibited on the U.S. Capitol grounds.

Representative Chris Collins, a New York Republican, said he now intends to carry a firearm at public events, according to television station WKBW. “I can assure you, from this day forward: I have a carry permit. I will be carrying when I’m out and about,” Collins said. “It’s going to be in my pocket from this day forward.”

Sorry Chris, you can’t, unless the D.C. police grant you a dispensation because you’re more special than other people.  Go back to New York and solve your own damn problems.  Your state has some of the most restrictive firearms laws on earth, just short of Hawaii and South Africa.  Don’t come crying to me until you fix your state’s problems.

Dave, instead of arguing for Congressional members being armed, why don’t you give us a national carry law?  Oh, I see.  Because you can’t get that passed, but the congresscritters will arm themselves for their own protection.  Got it.

Assessment Of The Usefulness Of Pistol Red Dot Sights

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

KR Training:

Did shooters using the slide mounted red dots shoot better than those using irons or lasers? No.

Many, regardless of experience level, had a hard time finding the dot on initial presentation of the pistol from ready, with the most difficulty occurring when no backup iron sights were available.

Those using the green laser (in bright daylight, much of it during summer months in Texas) had no trouble using it to shoot scores very close to what they could with iron sights.

There was not time in the testing to give participants significant training time to learn the red dot or the laser. They were allowed 10 or less dry fire presentations before testing began. Red dot advocates insist that finding the dot on presentation improves with training, and I found that to be true during summer 2016, when I put in the time to earn a Grand Master ranking in USPSA’s Carry Optics division.

It would be interesting to see this study performed with more time to practice with the red dot sights.  But I’ve heard this about green light lasers and their usefulness.

With red dots you’re searching for the dot.  With the green light laser you’re looking down a line of light.  It just seems that it would be easier to sight.  It also seems like it might be a useful thing to have for folks like me who wear glasses and may not be able to find them in the middle of the night.

Readers with experience using pistol red dots and green light lasers are welcome to weigh in with their own experiences.

D.C. Gun Carry Reciprocity For Congresscritters?

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

The Libertarian Republic:

Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk said concealed-carry reciprocity should be considered for members of Congress looking to protect themselves from future acts of violence like Wednesday’s attack on lawmakers practicing for the congressional baseball game.

While the shooting– which left four injured, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise — took place in Alexandria, Va., where individuals have the right to carry guns, members were headed to Capitol Hill following practice, which falls under the jurisdiction of Washington, D.C.’s stricter gun laws.

Loudermilk, a member if the GOP’s baseball team, said the situation could have been worse had it not been for Scalise’s security detail that went after the shooter. Leadership members are provided with security, but rank-and-file members are not — leaving many wondering how to best address security threats.

“I think we need to look at some kind of reciprocity for members here, but also we need to look at security detail if Scalise hadn’t been on our team it would have been really bad,” Loudermilk told reporters. “You know, at what point do you have a congregation of members — and we’re not any more special anybody else but we are targets — do you have a security detail with you then.”

Well, apparently you feel that you are more special than other people, and listen to me Congresscritter, everyone is a target.  Everyone.  There are no exceptions.

I’ll say the same thing for you I said over reddit/r/guns to the California LEOs who wanted to keep their service weapons because … ahem … they are more special than everyone else.

No, and a thousand times NO!  If you want reciprocity, then do it for everyone.  The California LEOs over reddit/r/guns were flabbergasted that someone could actually think the way I do.  I hope you’re flabbergasted too.  So do something about it, or continue to be a target.

Choose wisely.

8 Reasons To Invest In A 9 mm Pistol Caliber Carbine

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

Gil Horman writing for American Rifleman gives us eight reasons to invest in a 9 mm pistol caliber carbine.  It’s an interesting article that ends with this.

Whenever possible, it makes sense to invest in firearms that can fill multiple roles instead of just one. The 9 mm PCCs fall into this category. These platforms are ideal for informal plinking, target shooting, home defense or riding along as a trunk gun. I’ve heard that a good sized part of what is driving the new interest in these guns are the new divisions in 3-Gun and other competitions that allow the use of 9 mm carbines. Imagine spending a day honing your shooting skills at a match, getting home, giving your carbine a quick cleaning and then staging the gun you know inside and out to defend your home in case of an emergency. That’s about as flexible as a carbine gets.

Now here’s one gigantic reason not to.  I don’t shoot 9 mm.  For those of you who do, I would certainly consider investing in a 9 mm carbine, but when all the pistol rounds in your safe are .45 ACP, .357 Magnum or .38 Special, it makes no sense to invest in 9 mm.  Another way of saying it is that I’ve tried to begin minimizing the number of calibers in my safe while maximizing the total count.  I think this will pay dividends in the future.  Actually, I lied.  I also have 5.7 mm, but that’s my special vice, something to which I treat myself, sort of like a little bit of “Maker’s Mark” on rare occasion.

Now, if you want to talk about a .45 ACP carbine, that’s another story.  I’ve got my eye on one, but at the moment it’s too pricey.

The Telegraph: “The AR-15 Has A Long And Bloody History In America”

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

The Telegraph:

The National Rifle Association says the AR-15 is America’s most popular rifle, used safely by millions of people for sport, but it also has a dark reputation as the weapon used in dozens of mass killings.

Initial reports suggest it was the gun used in the attack on a congressional baseball practice in Virginia on Wednesday.

And it was the weapon carried in some of the attacks whose names are burned into America’s memory: The Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and San Bernardino.

[ … ]

Although it has no fully-automatic mode, it is still marketed as coming from a lineage of military-grade arms.

It is modelled on the M-16 used by the US Army and Marine Corps, and carried by thousands of troops around the world.

Even for people who have never served, it offers a sense of joining the war effort.

“It speaks to the fact that there are a lot of young men in the US who will never be in the military but feel that male compulsion to warriorhood,” Tom Diaz, the author of The Last Gun told The New York Times. “Owning an assault weapon is a passport to that.”

Adam Lanza used a Bushmaster Ar-15 when he shot 20 children aged between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012.

Yea, that’s it.  Let’s change its cosmetic features where it doesn’t look like it has a lineage with the Stoner system of arms and then “young” men won’t feel the compulsion to join warriorhood.

God.  Who do they get to write crap like this?  Do they pay them actual money?  By the way, the shooter in D.C. was a bitter old progressive who watches feminist tripe on television (one of his favorite shows was the Rachel Maddow show – Good Lord, what kind of a man watches shit like that?).

Oh and another thing.  No one died at Sandy Hook. Prove me wrong.  Show me a death certificate.  Just one.  I dare you.

Tim Lynch On What Happens To A Society Controlled By Islam

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

Tim Lynch:

Islam promotes male aggression while crushing female vanity. Their cultural fear of female sexuality produces a bizarre dissonance reflected in increases in birth defects from intermarriage, a hatred of homosexuals but an acceptance of homosexual acts between young men and with younger boys. Large farm animals are at risk of rape when bands of armed young Muslim fighters are about; the US military has thousands of hours of surveillance video to prove that.  The repression of females by Islamic society has produced shocking levels of hypocrisy which should make it the weaker participant in a clash of cultures yet, for now, the issue is in doubt …

There you have it, from a man who was there more than a decade outside the wire.  Interestingly, earlier in the essay, Tim says this.

Understanding that wars must be ended quickly to prevent unnecessary deaths and destruction does not mean there will not be death destruction. Lobbing 123,984 16-inch shells into the towns and villages of France was not humane, it exposed the civilian population to unimaginable death and destruction but it also shortened a horrible war. Going into Musa Qala or Sangin and giving the tribes a simple ultimatum; join our side or we will burn down your villages, kill your livestock, and put all of you in ‘relocation camps’ is not humane. But it would have shorten the current Afghan war by a decade.

Of the many moral problems I had (and still have) with highly restrictive rules of engagement (ROE), one of the more pragmatic considerations is that the American people simply will not support a campaign where their boys are coming home in body bags for the sake of keeping others alive, no matter what the COIN theorists tell you.

And to think that folks had a problem with my posing the question, “Should Marcus Luttrell and those guys have just shot the goat herders as enemy spies” (which of course they turned out to be)?

Rehabilitating Pat MacNamara’s Image

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

We previously discussed Pat MacNamara and his support of universal background checks and waiting periods for firearms purchases.  Uncle weighed in today with this.

I waited until the dust seemed to settle on this one. But a pro gun guy said something that seemed dumb, likely due to editing from Comedy Central. The internet lynch mob kicked in. Tam is correct. Everyone should, right after one of these things happens, cool their shit and find out what happened before grabbing the pitchforks and torches.

Good advice from Sebastian:

So for Christs sake, for the dozenth or so time: dont talk to the fucking media or Comedy Central. They are snakes with cameras and editing rooms. They will make you look bad. No you cant beat them at this game

Nope, don’t like it.  And I don’t like Sebastian’s counsel either, not one damn bit.  This has nothing whatsoever to do with talking to the media.  If I talked to the media there isn’t the slightest chance anything I said could be mistaken for any kind of support for universal background checks or waiting periods.

Besides, I think it’s good to know what people think.  I see no need to wait – he clearly said he supported what he said he supported.  There was no mistake, and there is no mistaking what he said.  He said what he thought, and he thought what he said.  This isn’t a tautology – it’s clearheaded thinking on Pat’s part, albeit very foreign to liberty and very wrong.

Now let’s take a stroll through Tam’s thoughts on this.

Well, that was pretty heavily edited, but it sounded like Pat Mac was in favor of waiting periods. The background check remark was pretty ambiguous. I mean, we already *have* background checks, so…

Yes, Pat was in favor of waiting periods.  And yes, he was in favor of universal background checks.

I reserve the right to form my opinions on these things on a case-by-case basis. I haven’t really formed mine here yet, other than I think Pat Mac is as wrong as tw…well, as a very wrong thing…when it comes to the utility of waiting periods.

As far as Universal Background Checks, here’s the correct and constitutional way to implement those: Since the right to keep and bear arms is a civil right, the default setting is that everyone has it. If someone becomes a felon or is otherwise debarred from arms, then make a NO GUNS ALLOWED black mark on their DL/ID/passport/whatever.

Show me an ID without that disclaimer, and you’d be good to go, no background check necessary. And you’d be good to go in all 50 states, at that.

I’d trade that for moving suppressors to Title I, repealing the Hughes Amendment, and interstate handgun sales. Hell, I might throw in a 3-day wait on sales from FFL dealers for that package deal.But that’s not what the other side means by “compromise”.

Oh dear.  Since this post is pregnant with ideas and there is an awful lot here it might be difficult to fisk all of it.  I’m not going to try in this post.  But I’ll observe first of all that many felons are convicted of non-violent offenses and deserve to have their rights restored.

Second, even if you don’t want violent felons to have firearms, that doesn’t mean that form 4473 stops them, or that they have to keep records of non-offenders like you and me (by keeping form 4473s) in order to conduct a background check.  It doesn’t, and they don’t.  Form 4473s are written and kept for reasons other than doing a background check, and you know it full well, don’t you?  Just admit the truth.

Finally, you know what they are going after with universal background checks, Tam.  They are going after person-to-person transfers, and we all know it.  My position on gun control remains unchanged.  It is evil, perpetrated by wicked rulers for nefarious purposes.

And my position on Pat MacNamara remains unchanged.  What he said was clear and I have no need of waiting or trying to dissect it or find out what he “really” meant.  He said what he really meant.

Hey, doesn’t Tam write for the NRA?


BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago


Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) included the silencer provision as part of a broader bill, the “Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act,” or SHARE Act. There are several gun-related items in the package, including the silencer language. A “discussion draft” of SHARE Act will be reviewed by a House Natural Resources subcommittee on Wednesday.

An interesting reddit discussion on this can he found here, and the American Suppressor Association has a summary of the bill here.

I don’t like that suppressors will be treated as long guns, taxed, and form 4473 completed.  For God’s sake, people, this is a threaded tube with baffles.  But I’ll admit that it will make this easier to pass, there will be no waiting period, no ATF review, and suppressors will be removed from the NFA items list.  And if we believe in incrementalism, we should support this bill.

Firearms Trainer Pat MacNamara Joins The Dark Side

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago


And now firearms trainer and veteran Pat MacNamara has publicly stated on a Comedy Central video (click here to watch) and social media that he supports Universal Background Checks and mandatory waiting periods.

Without subtitles naming names, CC reporter Jordan Kipper (who “Solves Guns”) uses MacNamara’s support for UBCs and waiting periods to parade a Fudd of gun guys who support the Second Amendment …

I’ve never met this guy in my life, I’ve never seen one of his videos (except for the one with the reporter who broke this story), I don’t know him, and I’m glad I don’t.  I don’t need him.

I also couldn’t care less what his service to SpecOps includes or where he did deployments.  I’m not among the SpecOps worshippers anyway, and no offense is intended to SpecOps folks who are reading this.  This issue has been discussed at great length here on these pages and it isn’t worth it right now to rehearse what I’ve said.

It’s enough to observe that just like Stanley McChrystal, who is a gun controller and murderer of the highest order, SpecOps folks can be bad.  And there are plenty of former SpecOps working for DynCorps toppling governments in North Africa and trafficking in children, money, oil and weapons.

I’m not placing Pat MacNamara in that category, but if he’s a gun controller, and apparently he is, he and I see the world totally differently, and I cannot trust him.  He is anathema to me.  He can look as menacing and tough as he wants in those pictures and videos.  I couldn’t care less about him.

Are You Being Watched By The Gun Controllers?

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

By gun controllers, I mean the fedgov.  Dean Weingarten has some counsel for us.

In the following story, the information that lead to the searches and arrests came from the United States.  It wasn’t about people purchasing anything illegal. It was about solvent traps. From

More than 80 illegally imported guns have been seized during raids across the country after a tip-off from US authorities.

The Australian Border Force seized the black market guns, as well as 43 firearm silencers and 37 kilograms of gunpowder, after raiding more than a dozen properties.

After receiving information from US authorities, Border Force investigators identified a large number of Australian customers buying “solvent trap” cleaning kits from a US-based website.

Items in the cleaning kits can be easily converted in sound suppressors, or silencers.

Some government agency in the United States is monitoring people who purchase solvent traps.  Very likely, they are monitoring people who visit solvent trap web sites.

The U.S. agency stored this information, and sent a list of people from Australia who a purchased solvent traps, to Australian authorities. The Australian Border Force then used the information to identify at least a dozen Australian homes to be raided.

Most Australians did not turn in all their guns during the infamous and mandatory Australian gun “buy backs” of 1996 and 2003.  The estimates are that 80% of guns that were made illegal were not registered or turned in. The article says that more than 80 illegally imported guns were seized. But the imprecision of such terms in the media is notorious.

[ … ]

It is possible that the Australian Border Force raided 12 homes and found 80 illegally imported guns. It seems more likely the interchangeable use of “black market” and “illegally imported” means that many or most of the guns seized were simply “not registered”, which is a serious offense in Australia, after the extreme restrictions on gun ownership were passed in 1996.

Consider that U.S. authorities are monitoring and recording the proceedings at solvent trap websites.  Solvent traps are not illegal. Solvent traps do not require a license to purchase or own.

People have told me they do not join the NRA or a local Second Amendment activist group because “They do not want to be on a list.”

Do you go to gun related sites on the Internet? Read gun related stories on Establishment media? Purchase ammo or gun accessories with a credit card? Buy a hunting license?  You are already effectively on a list.  All of that data is already collected and stored. If laws are passed to “deal” with gun owners, government officials can cross index and create such lists in a matter of minutes.

Listen to him again.  Do you read gun related web sites on the internet?  Purchase guns or ammunition with a credit card?  You are already on the list.

This is why I’ve always been somewhat nonplussed at tactical trainers acting “gray man” and trying to hide their real identity by never using their real name.  I’m sorry, but I’m unimpressed.  I’m more impressed with what Matt Bracken said to me more than a year ago.

The hour is drawing near. I’m glad to be in this fight with you. I just saw 13 Hours, and I have a new question I ask myself. Would I go up on the roof? Who would I want up there with me? What if that last convoy of Libyan security forces had been 10 or so enemy technical with 12.7s, along with the mortar teams? We are all going to die someday. Back in the day, we were trained not to skyline ourselves. I was lucky in my years of service and I was never asked to go up on the roof. Now, I feel like it’s my job to skyline myself. I had all the luck for all those years, and all those frogs and snake eaters who were better men than me died or lost body parts or lost wives and so on. And here I am, alive and free, and now it’s our turn to go up on the roof, even if it’s right here, as an example for the others. I’m glad we are on the same side, and I’d go up on the roof with you any time, brother.

If everybody goes “gray man,” the tyrants win by default. We need to stand on the roof and be seen by everybody, on all sides. Others can go gray man, that’s fine, their choice. But we all can’t hide forever.

I’m on “the list.”  I’ve been on it for a very long time.  And this is my real name.

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