The FBI And Entrapment
BY Herschel Smith
“Recordings reveal FBI gave man a rifle, urged him to carry out mass shooting to ‘Defend Islam,’” Activist Post reported Thursday in a story by USMC veteran and NSA intelligence operator Matt Agorist. “A little over two years ago, Samy Mohamed Hamzeh, 25, found himself in the midst of an FBI sting. Little did he know that he was being groomed for terrorism by the same government who claims to fight terrorism.”
Despite intensive and prolonged recruitment efforts, Hamzeh resisted. In the end, per The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “the resulting charges were two counts of possessing a machine gun and one count of possessing a silencer, all of which he bought for $570 from undercover FBI agents … [D]espite the hours of recorded Arabic conversations with the informants, he ultimately ‘rejected their overtures and lectured his informant friends about why such a plan would be wrong.’”
There’s also a reddit discussion thread on this. Hey, don’t you guys have something important to work on? I have a suggestion for you. Instead of working this angle, embed yourselves in the Dearborn area of Michigan (what we euphemistically call “Dearbornistan“). Or perhaps go to the twin cities where they want to subjugate your children to Sharia law.
Or do you find that too dangerous? Or maybe you think someone will cry discrimination if you target the Muslim community, so you find an unwilling tool and trap him into a win for you, loss for him. We need to do some house cleaning at the FBI just like Tillerson is doing at State.
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