Pentagon Almost Gave Fake Cops $1 Million Dollars Worth Of Guns And Bombs
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 6 months ago
The Pentagon nearly gave over $1 million worth of rifles, pipe bombs and other military hardware to a fake police department — set up as part of a government watchdog’s sting operation, a new report reveals.
Using cloak-and-dagger tactics, auditors from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) created a nonexistent police department. They submitted requests to purchase from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) “controlled properties” like simulated pipe bombs, night-vision goggles, and explosive ordnance detonation robots.
“In less than a week after submitting the requests, our fictitious agency was approved for the transfer of over 100 controlled property items with a total estimated value of about $1.2 million,” the GAO said in a July 18 report.
The sting operation involved government auditors creating a website describing the fake agency and using publicly available resources to produce false police credentials.
“Personnel at two of the three sites did not request or check for valid identification of our investigator picking up the property,” the GAO said.
In its reponse to the findings, DOD concurred with four recommendations made by GAO and highlighted steps it was taking to improve internal controls and implement recommendations from past audits.
At no point during the application process did Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) staff speak with officials at the fake agency to verify the legitimacy of the application, according to the report. All authorizations were done via email.
I have a better idea. Let’s not give any police any military weaponry or ordnance at all, ever. For any reason under the sun. Under any circumstances.
There. Fixed it.
On July 28, 2017 at 6:35 am, Fred said:
Exactly. I don’t want my police to have tanks and grenade launchers and a bunch of other .mil gear because…they will use it!
On July 28, 2017 at 8:28 am, Will said:
I’ll take it one step further. Take away there armour, long rifles, and semi auto pistols. Make them carry 6 shot revolvers. Make the rules of engagement such that a firearm has to be aimed at them before they can fire; otherwise, 1st degree murder charges. Immediate suspension and animal cruelty charges for shooting any wagging tail dog. A police officer’s job doesn’t even break the top 10 in dangerous professions. When they start taking casualties on the order of the average farmer or rancher in this country, then come see us about additional defensive equipment. I grew up on a farm Dirk. One of my classmates was crushed and killed by a tractor; another had his arm ripped off by a pto. Tell us all again how tough your policing job was.
On July 28, 2017 at 4:46 pm, Pat Hines said:
While I agree that the US government should make nothing available to state and local government that we of the mundanes can’t acquire (after we paid for it), what might be advisable is setting up various entities that are eligible to acguire it now.
Legal entities.
On July 30, 2017 at 7:08 pm, Ned said:
I’m placing my order – anyone need anything?
On July 30, 2017 at 9:13 pm, Yuri said:
sorry to do this off-topic in comments, but I just read an article at breitbart that I thought you might find interesting. I’d love to hear your take on it:
Personally, I don’t believe that any U.S. citizen can purchase or possess a gun “illegally”, other than as a violation of a parole or probation agreement (i.e., contract) or by smuggling one into prison.
On July 31, 2017 at 3:52 pm, Randolph Scott said:
This all starts at the local and state level. Vote for the right city mayors and commissioners, the right country commissioners and the right state representatives. let it be known very clearly and without a doubt that their remaining in office will be contingent upon them stopping this egregious violation of our liberties and we will not stand for thug cops with military grade weapons. If the political method does not work then Rule .308 should be considered.