How Did Islam Destroy Classical Western Civilization?
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 6 months ago
Via WRSA, this video from Dr. Bill Warner is absolutely essential education.
This is why I have been telling the naïve, pathetic Christians that they need to “gun up” and develop an intellectual framework for violence. If you don’t, your wives will watch them behead you and then be raped, your daughters will be sold into slavery, your sons will become part of the global jihad, and your wealth will be scattered to the four winds.
On July 31, 2017 at 5:24 am, Nosmo said:
As Claire Wolfe once said, ““America is at that awkward stage; it’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”
My opinion is that it’s never too early, but it’s beneficial to have A Critical Mass of Citizenry with you when you start. I suspect we’re approaching, very quietly and without fanfare, that Critical Mass. I think there will be a number of setbacks at the outset, but once realization dawns it’ll quickly ramp up to 11 and stay there for the duration. The trick will be to recognize not only that it has started but also that the starting eliminates options and requires proceeding forthwith.
No one, on either side, will enjoy any of it, for there’s nothing about it to enjoy, it’s like cleaning up dog barf: unpleasant but necessary.
On August 1, 2017 at 11:26 am, DirtyMick said:
Go on YouTube and watch the whole lecture. It’s an hour long and terrifying
On August 2, 2017 at 1:06 am, Pat Hines said:
If you don’t already have a copy, digital or paper (I have both), you should consider getting a copy.
“Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited”
On August 7, 2017 at 12:58 pm, rumcrook said:
I dont have a quarrel with what you said, its all true. I would just point out that your speaking to the choir. The average frenchmen, brit, or german who is going to be surprised to find himself at the bloody tip of the jihaadi spear isnt reading your well reasoned blog. I would imagine, Its a guy like me and ive got a concealed carry, i train with my cz, i am capable with it and i carry it. I also have an AR I have been shooting since i left the regular army and a kit to go with it at a moments notice. Its unfortunate for many average europeans, but the next wave of conquest for islam will be many of the european nation states and if doc warner is any clue they will return home and fester for several years then there will be a civil war as the colonists gsin enough strength to transition from terror plots to open warfare to take power and rule city states or districts within nations outright. Our population is too large for this to happen here at least over the next 40 years. While this is a real possibility in some european nations within the next ten. Dont get me wrong we will still see terror attacks from islam against the U.S. but we are capable of halting this slow roll take over by the colonists of islam, europe is not. Europe has not sired enough sons to defend themselves and have feminized thier culture to the point that a true real defense against this threat isnt possible.
On August 7, 2017 at 1:00 pm, rumcrook said:
And i would add as my closer, the europeans are not listening to you or anyone like you.