Brits Versus Guns
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 5 months ago
Is it cherished in Britain, a nation that has been on the front lines of late? In this area, no, it is not. I traveled back to my home country just after the latest terror attack to cover the recent elections. While there, I put Noble’s idea to my family and friends, and was met with the sort of incredulous, mouth-agape reaction that I’d expect if I had suggested invading Norway with just a pocket square for protection. “If these attacks become quotidian,” I asked, “do you think that the British will need to rethink guns?” The answers: No, no, no, no and no. Indeed, my interlocutors could scarcely have been more emphatic if I’d advised them to buy a fighter jet.
The British, to put it lightly, do not like guns. They don’t want guns. And, in all likelihood, they’re not going to change their minds on that point. Americans who are wondering if the Brits are on the verge of a sea change here should understand this: They’re not. Not even close. Culture matters, and the United Kingdom has shifted on this. In 1688, the right to bear arms was cherished; today, it is seen as a relic. Were a politician to run on the promise of liberalizing the gun laws, he would lose—badly. This is, to borrow a line from Monty Python, a dead parrot.
Well, that’s too bad. Then they will suffer under the yoke of violence and Islamic Sharia. There can be no other end for them. Keep a stiff upper lip, Brits. It’s the English way.
As for Charles, he wants liberty, he wants the lack of such a yoke of bondage, but since he doesn’t understand where America’s freedom comes from, he will never really understand guns or their availability in the U.S. You see, Americans retain the right to replace their government, by force if necessary. This comes from the Calvinian concept of covenant, passed through to the pastors, thinkers and other men who risked their lives, families and wealth to secure their liberty from a tyrant. I’ve discussed this in great detail before, and so I won’t rehearse it again here. But suffice it to say that God gives me rights and duties, not any piece of parchment. That piece of parchment represents the agreement of the government to live in accordance with said stipulations, just as do I.
The reason for my reticence on Charles? He is an atheist.
On August 14, 2017 at 9:03 am, Randolph Scott said:
I bet the Irish feel quite differently, they are armed. I would hope the Scots feel like the Irish on this subject.
For me and my family there has been no discussion on this subject, we were instructed at the age of 7 years old that it is our God given right to own, keep and bear arms and are expected to defend our families at all costs even if it includes using the firearms in defense. All of our children and grandchildren have been taught this as well.
This past Saturday I was able to have this discussion with a young man in his early 20’s. At a multi church social function I explained to him that our right to keep and bear arms is a God given right and not one granted to us by man. After a short discussion this ‘on the fence’ sitting young man completely understood the importance of recognizing his God given right and his duty to defend ‘life’.
On August 14, 2017 at 11:58 pm, Buck Turgidson said:
In my more cynical moments I wonder whether almost all the Brits with balls got themselves killed off in the world wars and left their country to be taken over by the sheep.
On August 15, 2017 at 9:42 am, Allen said:
Both the scots and the Irish are lost on this subject.
On August 24, 2017 at 7:50 am, Talktome said:
It’s easier to accept the tyranny of the government than to take responsibility for your liberty. I suspect the brits learned this aversion to guns via mass media, entertainment, “informed experts”, and the continual caterwauling of their elected officials.
I for one would absolutely love to live in a society where no weapons were necessary, where the rule of law was universally accepted and adhered to, where the covenant between the government and the governed was respected and adhered to by both parties. That time will come, someday, and there will be a mass cultural shift when Yeshua (Jesus to Christians) returns. Until that time, there is evil in this world, in many forms, and infesting many people in all walks of life. To say otherwise is astonishingly ignorant or self serving – I’m speaking to politicians and mass media primarily, and their activist dupes. I choose to have the means to enforce my own liberty and accept that responsibility.