U.S. Optics Moves To Montana
BY Herschel Smith
Into the redoubt, they are.
A manufacturing company that has been building custom rifle scopes and optics for 26 years in Southern California is relocating to Kalispell.
U.S. Optics, a leader in the firearm optics industry, announced the relocation to the Flathead Valley on its website, saying there may be a brief pause in production while it brings the new facility online, but assured customers “we will far exceed our previous production capabilities.”
The company is on track to move into its new quarters south of Kalispell in September.
The Montana Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Montana West Economic Development helped facilitate the relocation.
Ken Fichtler, chief business development officer for the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, said U.S. Optics reached out to his office in April about the possibility of relocating to Montana. The company also was considering Texas as a possible relocation site, Fichtler said, as it considered potential sites with “a closer cultural fit.
“We went up against the state of Texas in terms of incentives, culture and location,” he said, adding that U.S. Optics was impressed with the “center of excellence for this type of manufacturing” that exists in the Flathead Valley. “We were able to put together an incentive package that appealed to them.
A Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund grant and property tax abatement were among the incentives offered.
Another drawing card to Montana, Fichtler said, is the Montana Photonics Industry Alliance, a Bozeman-based network of Montana optics and photonics companies, entrepreneurs, laboratories and universities. Montana State University’s Optical Technology Center also was a factor in U.S. Optics’ decision, he added.
Down Range Solutions Group recently acquired U.S. Optics, and will continue doing business as U.S. Optics, according to a press advisory issued in June by mergers and acquisitions division of Helena-based Ascendant Advisory Group.
According to U.S. Optics’ website, the genesis of the company’s commercial off-the-shelf product line is “rooted in custom scopes built to satisfy the needs of military and law-enforcement personnel, competitive shooters and hunters …
The only mystery here is why they would have stayed in California so long. Like Remington (Alabama) and so many other manufacturers, they need to be in a culture where they can thrive.
Stag Arms still operates in Connecticut, Kimber still operates in New York, Rock River Arms still operates in Illinois, Springfield Armory still operates in Illinois, and Mossberg still operates in Connecticut.
Why? Do they want to go out of business and have to lay off all of their employees?
On August 23, 2017 at 10:50 am, Higgins said:
I hope and pray they do not bring their socialist views and practices to MT. Californians that chose not to stay and fight for their homes and their State, have ruined OR, WA, NV, Austin, TX and Nashville, TN. They arrive at their new destinations and discover very much lower property, sales and income taxes, only to vote in the same social programs and taxes they fled. Good luck, MT!
On August 23, 2017 at 10:53 am, Herschel Smith said:
That’s always a risk when these relocations happen, isn’t it?
On August 24, 2017 at 8:57 pm, Randolph Scott said:
One factory with its people cannot change the environment in Montana UNLESS the current residents let it happen. Anybody can be made to move, it just takes the right kind of pressure. If you rat fuck the commie bastards enough they will get up and move on their own.
On August 25, 2017 at 6:20 am, DAN III said:
Of course U.S. Optics could stay in Kaleeforneeya and make their optics in Japan and brand them as their own, like Trijicon in Michigan does. Or they can head to Montana, dispense with the communist environment and outageous taxation, employ some righteous citizens and offer a product “Montana Made”. Unlike Trijicon’s “Made in Japan” and Leupold’s “Made in (Red) China products.
Take your pick.
On August 27, 2017 at 10:50 am, Ammo said:
There is some truth to what you all say, but with family in the Montana they contend that where the political elite, Hollywood elites, and the wealthy migrate they change the political climate of these areas. They drive up the prices and force the middle class to fight for the scraps or mow their lawns. The nature of colleges have changed and they are attracting tree hug’er liberals. The nature of colleges is now to convert the empty waste land of human intelligence into good little libtards.
As for us in California, we are fighting, but everyday we lose more ground due to RINO’s, sanctuary cities, illegals flooding into Mexifornia, political corruption, cronyism, muslim invasion, teacher union and law enforcement unions—the waste land of unfunded liabilities. We have formed the State of Jefferson (SOJ51.org)movement to leave the corruption behind; men and women have given their time, money and energy to make this a reality and we will fight to the end; but how do you fight moral corruption…….pray for us.
On August 27, 2017 at 5:05 pm, DAN III said:
Perhaps you folks should have considered assassinations of the political elites. As Amerikans continue to bend over and grab their ankles, the only solution, IMO, is organized, anti-communist resistance. Until the communists embedded within every level of government are in fear of their wretched lives, the tyranny will only worsen. Joe McCarthy was spot on.
You can pray all you want. However, the Lord helps those who help themselves.
Time to go Irish Republican Army.