Suppressors: Just Another Gun Industry Revenue Scheme
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 4 months ago
Silencers are seen by the gun industry as a great way to recruit new customers, because the devices make guns less scary to children.
“For new or younger shooters, using a silencer means being able to focus on marksmanship fundamentals and enjoy the overall shooting experience with considerably more comfort,” the 2017 catalog for Advanced Armament Corporation explained.
Donald Trump Jr., who is a big fan of silencers, concurs. Last year, in a video interview with Joshua Waldron, the CEO of a silencer manufacturer, Don Jr. said that silencers were great at getting “little kids into the game.”
Yep. That’s what it’s all about – revenue. It isn’t really about a less dangerous shooting experience, one that protects your hearing. It isn’t about getting a better cheek weld on the butt of your rifle because you don’t have to knock your head into those idiotic ear muffs. It’s all about money.
There are several things that we should point out about this simpleton’s article. First of all, she doesn’t believe in the market. If something doesn’t live up to the hype, it will die off in the marketplace. If it isn’t wanted by the public, it won’t continue to be manufactured. But not according to her.
Second, she believes that you are idiots. She believes that whether you need something or not, you will buy it with a little coaxing by somebody – who knows – the NRA, the gun manufacturers (who do not fabricate suppressors anyway, other companies do that), or whomever. It’s all just a revenue stream to them. You will throw away your hard earned money on trash because somebody else has a scheme to rob you with worthless products.
So she is there to protect you. The market works because you will buy it, but the market doesn’t work because you can’t discern the difference between needful products and those that aren’t. It is not a needful product because you have ear plugs and ear muffs. But it is needful because it might make the shooting experience more enjoyable and entice kids to learn to shoot.
And the main objection she has is that it’s just a revenue scheme. Or if you continue reading, that it will make the jobs of police harder because it will fall into criminal hands and cause mass shootings. Or that it will prevent you from hearing the sound of gunfire and running away. Or something.
Good Lord. Do they have editors over at Salon or has this just become a total trash bin of word salads for the gun haters? At any rate, such is the confused thinking of the collectivists.
On September 14, 2017 at 9:24 am, Miles said:
I have the suspicion that if a Dem had filed the bill to make suppressor buys easier for “health” reasons (and actually that’s a big one over in Euro land. When I was stationed in Germany, certain times on the weekends were ‘quiet time’ but I digress)
again, if a Dem had filed such a bill it would have all the Prog/Lib/Dems squealing in unison demanding it’s immediate passage and probably also demanding their use at almost all times.
Such is the state of mind of these cretinous morons.
On September 14, 2017 at 2:20 pm, Jack Crabb said:
One correction, Herschel: “…Salon or has this just become a total trash bin of word salads”
Salon has ALWAYS been “a total trash bin of word salad” on EVERY subject.
On September 15, 2017 at 11:44 am, Heywood said:
I”m so glad you keep fighting the fight. We need educated and articulate people to bash them over the heads with facts. Unfortunately, I have given up trying to reason with these morons.