The Long March Through The Institutions
BY Herschel Smith
When we discussed Spenser Rapone, remember that I said this.
But to the collectivists, there are still tried and true, staid institutions such as the military, and even football. The Marxists have managed literally to transform the culture of the college campus, a battle that was begun some 50 years ago and won well before the attention turned directly (rather than opaquely) towards white, middle class, Christian America. The battles aren’t just beginning for them. This is the end game for them, unless America turns to weapons to settle the war decisively.
The end game involves the terraforming of the institutions in which America has [foolishly] placed its trust.
So it doesn’t surprise me at all to read this.
Rapone has come under fire and become the subject of an Army investigation after reports emerged of his open and unabashed support for communism and tweets he made calling for political violence and referring to Secretary of Defense James Mattis as an “evil, vile f***.”
In a Reddit post regarding Manning, Rapone spelled out some of his motivations for remaining in the military and exactly what he wanted to accomplish while serving as a second lieutenant in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division. Those motivations included Manning’s decision to leak national security documents to WikiLeaks.
Notably, Manning was also part of the 10th Mountain Division.
“I’m currently an infantry officer at Ft. Drum, NY assigned to the same brigade that she was while enlisted,” Rapone wrote in a post. “Every single day I think of the contradictions of being a communist while in this organization, and her courage and tenacity gives me strength to continue the long march through the institutions.”
The “long march” comment refers to a strategy of institutional infiltration and subversion coined by student activist Rudi Dutschke but originally developed by Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist thinker whose thought developed in the wake of the failure of economic determinism to bring about a revolution.
Think deeply about what you’ve seen happen over your lifetime and what you’re seeing now and this will all make perfect sense – if you’re even half awake and sentient.
On September 29, 2017 at 7:53 am, Frogdaddy said:
Not sure this is on topic but it makes me think again and again. 8 years ago a friend and I were busy sighting in rifles at the local gun range. A fellow next to us rented an AR and was having some difficulty with it. We stopped what we were doing for obvious reasons and assisted getting him on paper. During the small talk he indicated he knew a relative in the DOD who stated that what the public is aware of was only 10-15% of the rot. Couple this with him purchasing a 300blk on the spot (about 1-2k at least). We took him serious to know something we didn’t. I suspect it’s worse than what we truly know. It sounds like Islam as well. They have the capacity of waiting us out. But I suspect at some point, they’ll miscalculate and “putsch” too soon.
On September 29, 2017 at 10:42 am, Drew in Michigan said:
During my 21 years (retired) it has been my distinct pleasure to be part of getting crappy officers a negative OER which lead directly to their inability to promot, thus ending “their long march”
I would dearly love to have this POS as my platoon leader
On September 29, 2017 at 2:34 pm, Bob Sykes said:
Apparently Rapone’s proclivities were know to his class mates at the Point and probably to some faculty. But the investigation starts only after the story goes public. How deep into the military has the long march gone? Can the military be trusted anymore?
It should be noted that in case after case the military has followed orders and put down the civilian population. I don’t think the III Percenters matter much.
On September 29, 2017 at 8:27 pm, James said:
I am thinking possibly this guy building a deep cover for working the enemies,this seems so stupid and open can’t imagine he could have gotten into West Point,then,being this open to create a cover also pretty stupid,this is a weird one no matter what angle you take on it whether communist or cover creation.
On October 2, 2017 at 3:23 pm, Randolph Scott said:
No, this punk is not building a cover nor is he a plant. He is an outright communist. Why cadets did not out him or beat the fucking hell out him gives me concern as well. My nephew graduated from West Point in the eighties and still serves at this time. I guarantee that if this crap had happened when he was there Rapone would have never made it this far. They would have physically made sure he left.