MSNBC Analyst: Hunters Use Suppressors So That Deer Can’t Hear Them
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 3 months ago
Former FBI agent Manny Gomez claimed on MSNBC on Monday that hunters use suppressors so that deer cannot hear the gunshots.
Firearm owners actually use suppressors to prevent hearing loss, and even with a suppressor, a firearm would still be loud enough to spook a deer or other wild game.
“Sportsmen, hunters would make an argument that they need that so that their target, whether it’s a deer, etc. don’t hear the shot,” Gomez claimed, “but numerous other sportsmen have shot from muskets–when the founding fathers started the Second Amendment–up until now successfully killed game animals without the use of a silencer.”
So here’s a news flash for “Agent” Gomez and MSNBC. The rounds most hunters use for deer are supersonic (I can conceive of the use of a subsonic round like a suppressed .300 Blackout, but most hunters would consider than an unethical kill).
That means … hold on to your breeches … the round gets there before the sound does. I know physics is hard to the uninitiated, but please do try to keep up.
On October 4, 2017 at 1:10 am, StillSworn said:
Moron Gomez is a perfect poster child. – “Reasons to distrust your government”
This guy is either corrupted or stupid. No matter his plea, do not trust his words.
On October 4, 2017 at 9:51 am, Towser said:
If the shot taken is effective, does it matter one way or another? I’ve taken shots (and missed) at a deer with a shotgun only to have the deer look up and stare blankly. I’ve seen other deer bolt at a twig snap. Note, the “shots” above were with a single shot gun so I am NOT talking about a “spray and pray” approach. Every shot I take is meant to hit home and misses are “always” the fault of the $^%@&%@ gun. :-)
On October 4, 2017 at 10:31 am, Backwoods Engineer said:
So sick of elites telling us what we need, and what purpose for which we should want these things. Sick of the “Nudge” (Cass Sunstein) and all elites attempts to control our natural rights.
On October 4, 2017 at 10:48 am, Pat Hines said:
The right of weapons access, as are all rights, is not subject to arguments of utility nor to the democratic process.
Explaining anything to communists regarding the “goodness of guns”, or any weapon, makes one guilty of an argument of utility. I stopped making such arguments over 20 years ago.