Rolling Stone On Guns And Why People Die
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 3 months ago
It’s easy to call acts of horror “evil.” It’s comforting to ascribe an external, unknowable motive to events so terrible we can’t imagine a motivation.
The human mind is incapable of imagining what would drive a man to haul an arsenal of high-powered weapons into a hotel room, knock out a couple windows, murder dozens of people and injure hundreds more by spraying them with gunfire. So we call it evil. That settles that.
All the author does in this article is display a lack of understanding of my world view and display his own confusion over current events.
The Scriptures are quite clear, and evil can be understood. The Westminster Confession of Faith is clear: “Sin is any want of conformity to or transgression of the law of God.” Man does this because he fell in sin through the federal headship of Adam, and the only redemption from this fallen nature is the only begotten Son of God, Jesus, whose death, burial and resurrection vicariously atoned for the sins of His people. Without Christ, America is bound for more of the same as you saw in Las Vegas.
You may not like it. The author at Rolling Stone may not like it. But your dislike doesn’t change facts one iota. Mankind attempting to regulate his way to utopia is akin to building the tower of Babel. It’s doomed to fail.
There now. I hate giving a Sunday School lecture to a Rolling Stone author, since we have so many more important things to discuss, but he apparently needed that. I don’t apologize one bit for my views, and I see nothing “unknowable” about this, as some sort of worshiper of Immanuel Kant. He can lampoon it all he wants, and I’ll lampoon the fact that none of his laws and regulations succeed in bringing utopia.
On October 5, 2017 at 12:59 pm, Drew in Michigan said:
Truth, well spoken!
On October 5, 2017 at 5:30 pm, Paul P said:
I am not a religious man ( please , no hate) but I do believe there is good and evil . Most humans are good by nature and will do the right thing . But , those same individuals can be swayed or deceived into doing evil things . Like the Manson crew, Jim Jones ( the false prophet) etc etc .
More and more people are being told it is ok to go against nature or good human morals because they are “free” to do what they want . Once it takes hold it only escalates until you have people like you do now who can wish death on millions for no more than a difference of opinion.
Again , not a religious man , but do miss when the 10 commandments were in the public and meant something to the public .