MGM Issues Correction: Shots Were Fired At Festival At The Same Time Or Within Forty Seconds Jesus Campos Reported Being Shot
BY Herschel Smith
Via reader B Bauch, this.
Mandalay Bay hotel officials said Thursday the Las Vegas gunman wounded a security guard in a hotel hallway within 40 seconds of firing into the crowd at a music festival, disputing a police timeline that put six minutes from the time the guard was shot and when Stephen Paddock committed the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
In the most recent chronology given by investigators on Monday, police said Paddock sprayed 200 rounds into the hallway on the 32nd floor Oct. 1, wounding an unarmed security guard in the leg, six minutes before he unleashed his barrage of bullets on the festival crowd. He killed 58 people and injured nearly 500 before taking his own life.
In the industry in which I work, we have conducted forensic analysis, failure modes and effects analysis and event investigations many thousands of times. I’ve done them too, many times. I’ve also been through Management Oversight and Risk Tree training with EG&G. One thing is clear from all of that. Before anything else gets done, a team of experts creates a time line and sequence of events that is verified, forensically defensible and absolutely correct, with enough fidelity to perform your analysis. Until you have that, you have nothing. Nothing.
For this particular event based on published and verified reports, Jesus Campos was shot before, during and after the shooting of the crowd.
The FBI is either stupid (I hate voluntarily stupid people) or corrupt (I hate corrupt people).
On October 13, 2017 at 12:31 pm, Reltney McFee said:
“Worst mass shooting in US history…”
I suspect the descendents of those murdered at Wounded Knee, will be surprised to learn that. Perhaps ” worst mass shooting by a civilian, in US history”
On October 13, 2017 at 2:30 pm, Heywood said:
“The FBI is either stupid (I hate voluntarily stupid people) or corrupt (I hate corrupt people).”
I’d have to go with all of the above……
On October 13, 2017 at 2:52 pm, June said:
It’s as if all of law enforcement in Las Vegas wants to have the tagline “, But Incompetent”, not just the Feds.
On October 14, 2017 at 3:59 am, MadMagyar said:
First defense is the three magic words that always seems to turn things around, if not in an appellate court, then finally in the US Supreme Court: VOID for vagueness.
But the first RESPONSE in any future court case SHOULD be a challenge to their jurisdiction, in the form of making a CLAIM against them AS A MAN (or WOMAN, as the case may be). We are NOT “persons”, and that is the language that will always be worked into any STATUTORY law (at local, state or federal levels). Because they KNOW they can’t regulate the affairs of PRIVATE MEN and WOMEN – only “persons” (corporate fictions defined in their statutes as “individuals” – which is a term I’ve never seen defined – corporations, associations, trusts, etc.). Further, if you were not born in the District of Columbia, or are not a member of the corporate government of the District of Columbia, otherwise know as the United States – guess what? – federal law does NOT apply to you because you’re NOT a “citizen” or “member” of the corporation. Most of us have been brainwashed into believing that we are “citizens” of (meaning members of or belonging to) the United States, but many lower, appellate and US Supreme Court decisions confirm that we are not. Unless you’re a member of Congress (a Senate or House of Representatives member) you are NOT a “citizen” of the U.S.
And that’s how we fail, miserably, in playing this game of theirs: by not knowing what we are. Thank God for the internet, because not only is most of this information available with a few goggle searches, but can be verified by looking up and READING the case law quoted on dozens of websites that say the same thing. The trick is to stop believing their lies and start figuring this out for yourselves. If you don’t take the time to do a little reading, then whether you lose your Rights or not is your own fault.