So What Do We Call The Gun “Safety Advocates?”
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 2 months ago
Some of us would argue the edicts she demands makes things a lot more dangerous, and just ceding to Delatorre or Becker their own characterizations without at least addng qualifiers like “self-professed” gives credence to their side. Because what they’re claiming to be is debatable.
And more to the point, “Just because gun-grabbers call themselves “Second Amendment supporters” and “safety advocates” doesn’t mean the media should just take them at their word.”
I prefer to call them “The Controllers.” It’s what they are in their heart of hearts. Besides, they hate hearing the truth and they’ve tried to change the narrative by focusing on words other than controller. Don’t let them.
On November 6, 2017 at 1:36 pm, Pat Hines said:
Members of the Gun Confiscation Lobby (GCL). The GCL has both individual and institutional members.
I no longer use the term(s) involving control, controllers, grabbers, and the like for their ultimate goal is total gun confiscation, then the murders of all Christian whites.
For a single word label, “Confiscators” would work.