Major Newspapers Confirm No Gun Laws Will Ever Be Enough For Them
BY Herschel Smith
“But even then, assault weapons like the one Kelley used will remain for sale in this country, and that’s the fundamental problem. Civilians have no legitimate reason to own military-style firearms …”
But it’s interesting The Times admits they even disagree with the Heller opinion that you can have a gun in your home. And it doesn’t matter what kind, because they’ve long supported handgun bans as well. And forget them recognizing any right to carry either openly or concealed.
And it’s also interesting that while I think Heller was a horribly flawed and very weak opinion, one of Scalia’s worst on record, the Times cites it where it suits them and then disagrees later concerning one of the only respects in which I concur with Heller.
For the controllers, the final solution is weapons in the hands of the state, and only the state. We’ve seen that plenty of times before. It’s amusing to me what I’ve observed before, that the sons and daughters of the hippies became statists and controllers. They became everything their mothers and fathers hated. If you believe in nothing, you’ll believe in anything.
And my answer to the controllers is the same as it’s always been, and same as it ever will be. Any time you feel froggy. Give it a try any time you feel froggy, boy.
On November 13, 2017 at 9:35 am, Duke Norfolk said:
Yes, just as with the left’s positions in general, they’re letting the mask slip more and more these days. This is good though, as more and more wake up to the reality of the left’s evil intents.