Senators Said To Be “Close” To Deal On New Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said on Wednesday that senators are nearing a bipartisan deal on gun legislation following a number of high-profile mass shootings.
Big news: super close to a bipartisan breakthrough on gun legislation. Stay tuned…
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) November 15, 2017
Murphy’s office pointed The Hill to comments made last week by Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas), who said that he would talk to Democrats about strengthening background checks – an initiative that gained some bipartisan momentum earlier this month after a gunman opened fire on a church in southern Texas, killing 26 people.
Cornyn has been a driving force in the GOP for strengthening background checks since the Nov. 5 shooting. He told reporters last week that he would work with Democrats to close gaps in the system, and that he had spoke to Murphy, as well as Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) about the matter.
Oh nice. That means that despite the fact that it had nothing to do with it, they intend to make person-to-person transfers a felony. Can’t give that deer rifle to your grandson anymore, gentlemen. FedGov may come after you.
Here’s a note to Murphy and Cornyn. Go to hell.
Here’s a quick observation. Prepare for noncompliance.
On November 16, 2017 at 12:06 am, Tom762 said:
Herschel, when you sy “go to hell” to these pukes, I wish you would not go so easy on them!
Resist, defy, evade, smuggle! MBV, 2016.
Non compliance will be the new norm. Make me a criminal with the stroke of the pen, will they? Fine, I am quite fine with that.
Rifle up men. Tough times ahead!
Tom 762
On November 16, 2017 at 4:43 am, DAN III said:
Murphy, Cornyn, Feinstein, McCain….the House, fhe Senate. They are ALL treasonous bastards deserving of a short rope and a tall tree. Oh, and do not forget their supporting CON-stituents who are every bit as culpable for the tyranny having been and continuing to be, foisted upon traditional Americans.
There is not enough hemp.
On November 16, 2017 at 7:54 am, Fred said:
If there is no registry then why would private transfers need to be documented?
On November 16, 2017 at 8:26 am, Treehugger said:
I think that before they try to “solve’ the national gun violence problem-as the democrats perceive it, that perhaps they should prove their methodology by unf*cking Chicago. When a tour to Afghanistan is safer than a stroll from east-to-west or north-to-south in the Windy City, something is seriously skewed. But since the modern democrat party is more fixated on a goal of a socialist utopia, I expect their solution to Chicago would have to involve a Soviet-style solutions; tanks, round-ups of politically unreliable citizens and a free ride to a Gulag somewhere inhospitable.
On November 16, 2017 at 8:57 am, Frank Clarke said:
I read somewhere that it is statistically more dangerous to have a Baltimore address than it is to be a police officer. That’s so wrong on so many levels, but these servants of the people are trying hard to turn that around — by making it more dangerous to be a police officer than to have a Baltimore address.
There will be civil war in this country before there is meaningful civilian disarmament. Some days, talking to the anti-gun loons, I feel like I’m standing with a crowd of eight-year-olds, ankle deep in gasoline, trying to keep them from playing with matches.
On November 16, 2017 at 11:50 am, Bill Buppert said:
Will not comply.
All FFL dealers are non-funded informants and volunteer field agents of the BATF.
I haven’t filled out a 4473 since 1992.
On November 18, 2017 at 6:06 pm, J said:
@bill buppert…
Easy Chief, you have no clue what some of us are about.
Your correct on what we have to do as FFL’s, but dont use “Controller Logic” and lump us all together.
We as owners have enough problems, we dont need shit stew being stirred up amongst ourselves.
As for your no 4473 since whenever, good for you. Honestly!
Now to this pages topic.
Playing by the rules (for now) is prudent.
Taking precations for later….is prudent.
Do you not have sacrificial lambs for them?
LEARNING!! Is Prudent.
After all, heli-arcing a chunck of 7075-T6 into a non critical area isn’t that tough.
And flat black spray paint is cheap.
On November 18, 2017 at 11:55 pm, Bill Buppert said:
“Your correct on what we have to do as FFL’s, but dont use “Controller Logic” and lump us all together.”
Please point out the inaccuracy of my statement. Are you stating you not in 100% compliance with all ATF and FFL orders and regulations for your business?
Please tell me which of the following information you withhold from the ATF reporting:
Specifically Section 13.4 Reporting firearms transaction information.
13.5.1 GCA requirements
Section 13.7 Reporting information in response to ATF trace requests.
§ 478.126a Reporting multiple sales or other disposition of pistols and revolvers.
If you comply, you have agreed to be an unpaid agent or informant for the ATF.
Bill Buppert
On November 19, 2017 at 8:34 am, DAN III said:
Dear Buppert,
I agree with much of what you write. However, in this case you are being somewhat critical of that which you do yourself.
Do you take the king’s shilling in the form of pay for your mercenary services rendered ? Perhaps even a pension from the king for securing enough years to retire from a life as a “Hessian” ?
Better yet….you, ahem….”own” property from which you rent from your local .gov thugs in the form of mandatory property AND school taxes. Taxes paid at the barrel of a gun. Taxes paid regardless of what, if any “services” are provided the “homeowning” tax slave. You pay them Buppert don’t you ?
How about you put your money where your keyboard is:
1. Terminate accepting the king’s shilling for any mercenary services provided past, present or future.
2. Idle down to your local .gov thug taxing office and tell the tax collector you will no longer pay property taxes.
3. Attend your next school board meeting and declare yourself a free man. Tell the school board bandits you will cease payment of school taxes immediately.
Execute the three above actions Buppert. Failure to do so will only identify YOU as an agent of not only fedgov, but a servant of localgov and the government school dunces you so willingly endorse with your mandatory taxation “or else”.
In closing, should you execute my challenges to above, you will most certainly be able to defend yourself with those weapons you never filled out a 4473 for.
I look forward to you denouncing fedgov monies and telling your school district to G-F themselves. Free men OWN property. They don’t rent it.
On November 19, 2017 at 10:46 am, Randolph Scott said:
too much nit picking and testy crap in this. I honestly think Buppert is on the right road of this subject but believe there is a very good share of well intentioned patriotic FFL holders out there. I also think that there are at least an even number of sorry bastards that would sell you out in an instant and some who are outright plants from the fed’s themselves.
DanIII’s comment looks like apples to oranges to me.
There’s a lot of crap going on in the USA but remember this ‘not everyone out there is your enemy, but not everyone is your friend either’.
On November 20, 2017 at 6:32 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Scott,
“….looks like apples to oranges….”
For the life of me I cannot fathom your observation. While Buppert M-F’s the FFL holder as being an agent of fedgov, of tyranny, Buppert himself feeds the beast willingly and accepts the King’s shilling with no qualms. Buppert’s attack on FFL holders is more of Buppert’s pot calling the kettle black.
Buppert is simply a hypocrite of the highest sort. Perhaps I am mistaken, but isn’t Buppert a graduate of the boys & girls club at Annapolis ? He himself having been one of the commanding elites in the service of the Crown. Yet this individual wants to badmouth others for exercising their initiative to provide firearms in compliance with fedgov diktats to citizens, different from the manner soetoro-obama & holder provided them, via Fast & Furious.
Scott, your opinion is what it is as is mine. However, Mr. Buppert’s opinion denouncing FFL holders is most certainly rubbish (putting it nicely).
“….apples to oranges….” ? Methinks not.
On November 20, 2017 at 2:40 pm, unknownsailor said:
Washinton state has a law similar to this that was instituted via ballot initiative, I-594.
Compliance with that has, shall we say, spotty, AFAIK.
Not going to comply with a Federal version of it, either. That is, if it makes it through the House, which I highly doubt it will.