The Red State Of South Carolina Has Its Share Of Gun Controllers Too
BY Herschel Smith
The mayor of Columbia, S.C., is planning to propose a ban on bump stocks and trigger cranks on guns in the city.
“I believe in responsible gun ownership, and I believe in common sense,” Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin (D) said in a statement, according to ABC News.
“That’s why I’ve decided to do what our federal and state governments are either unable or unwilling to do.”
And next up, Tim Scott:
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott is among the sponsors of bipartisan legislation to ensure federal agencies and state governments accurately report relevant criminal history to the FBI’s database of prohibited gun buyers.
The Republican senator is one of more than half a dozen sponsors of the “Fix NICS Act,” which would penalize federal agencies that fail to properly report required records. It also rewards states that comply by providing them with federal grant preferences.
You can blame Nikki Haley for Tim Scott. He a republican, but may as well be a democrat. Ah hell, there’s essentially no difference anyway. Nevermind.
On November 16, 2017 at 11:24 pm, TheAlaskan said:
Republicans give us socialist-flavored fascism while Democrats give us fascist-flavored socialism. A distinction without a difference.
On November 17, 2017 at 5:31 am, Chuck said:
If one looks closely at SC government, one finds it’s a very Democratic state populated almost entirely by RINOs, from county through state and into federal levels.
On November 17, 2017 at 6:24 am, DAN III said:
Nikki Haley is no prize either.