German Police: “I Am Afraid Of My Islamic Recruits”
BY Herschel Smith
This is another must-watch video. What a sorry excuse for police, but the example is in a sorry excuse for a country as well, with a sorry excuse for a leader. It’s on par with what I would expect.
It seems they need to be taught Herschel’s Dictum.
On November 22, 2017 at 8:15 pm, George said:
This was the plan devised to destroy the German people and their culture DURING WW2. Look up “The Hooton Plan” and you will find that this plan was devised with the objective of “breeding warlike characteristics out of the German people”. It began directly after WW2 was won with changes that involved dismissing all of the former teaching staff of German public (and private) schools, universities and colleges and replacing them with “progressive minded” (Marxist) minions. All the many other changes that were invoked to destroy the German culture are too many to list in a post here, but the fruits of this program are being born out today in Germany.
The Hooton plan’s effort to dilute the German people began in earnest with the introduction of “Turkish guest workers” around the early 1960’s I believe (not certain about the date) and those Turks refused to integrate, but brought in their relatives and of course had numerous offspring who took up a quest to enter the political system, the police forces and the military. As a matter of fact, the German military is 60% Muslim today. Consider the implications of that, and you will see that the Hooton Plan is in its final stages now.
This, the feminization of the native German male populace, together with the difficulty of acquiring firearms (the German women have taken to “arming” themselves with pepper spray) and severe legal consequences for the “racist” act of defending oneself against a Muslim attacker (which includes loss of employment) preclude the use of “Herschel’s Dictum” there.
Of course, most of the same conditions apply throughout Western European countries and the crime and rape stats are even worse in Sweden.
The object is the destruction of Western Civilization and the process has advanced quite far here in the US as well as we all know. That is why church organizations are being paid by the US State Dept. to bring in Somali “refugees” and that is also why there is an even stronger drive to ban guns by the left- they know they are very close to their goal. We dodged the bullet with Trump’s election and Hillary’s defeat, but that only bought us some time. They will not give up.
On November 23, 2017 at 7:30 am, joe said:
you reap what you sow…it’s too late to save europe…the transformation is over…now we wait for them to be bred out…