MS-13 Gang Members Stab Man More Than 100 Times And Cut Out His Heart
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 2 months ago
As many as 10 members of the MS-13 street gang lured a man into a park in Wheaton, Md., spoke with one another over walkie-talkies as he arrived, stabbed him more than 100 times, decapitated him and then cut out his heart, according to police documents made public Wednesday in Montgomery County District Court.
The first alleged attacker to be arrested, Miguel “Timido” Angel Lopez-Abrego, 19, was charged with first-degree murder and held in jail after a brief hearing Wednesday.
I’m just keeping you posted on the wages of open borders so that you can plan appropriately.
On November 23, 2017 at 3:28 pm, Randolph Scott said:
Every person in this gang needs to be hunted down by our federal forces/.le and executed on the spot. They need to be killed by the thousands. Don’t watch and hope to find the leaders. Don’t try to plant informants, eliminate this shit from the ground up. Kill these bastards on the spot. 12 years old put a hole in the bastards head, 10 years old – rule 308 the little cocksucker, 30 years old put a full auto clip thru this chickenshit and on up the damned ladder. And kill their fucking DOGS too.
This gang will retaliate and that is where the government declares open season on them and anyone harboring these bastards. Don’t stop till every son of a bitch associated with this gang is GRAVEYARD DEAD! Make America Great Again by exterminating illegal alien criminals.
On November 23, 2017 at 4:04 pm, TheAlaskan said:
But..but..diversity is our strength, don’t ya know…?
On November 23, 2017 at 7:32 pm, Randolph Scott said:
diversity is NOT in my vocabulary. I only used it here so the you and others knew very clearly that I do not use the ‘d’ word and have no intention of changing my mind or having any thoughts that might have the ‘d’ word within those thoughts.
Peace I do know you were bring sarcastic.
On November 24, 2017 at 5:44 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Scott,
“Every person in this gang needs to be hunted down….”. Yep, without a doubt.
However, I believe you are forgetting the enablers starting with the POTUS administration of everyone’s Hollywood CON-servative Ronald Reagan and every POTUS since.
Then we have every member of CON-gress, former & current, along with the scum of the federal judiciary who have allowed and encouraged the invasion of fUSA by the “undocumented” enemies. Continuing we have Catholic Social Services and the Lutherans helping to infest fUSA with more worthless, impovershed, 3rd world invaders. Last, but not LEAST….are the millions of flaming assholes (you know them as family, friends, co-workers, strangers) who proudly proclaim “I voted”….for the same aforementioned, treasonous elected, appointed and hired scum infesting
the District of Criminals along with those occupying federal courthouses across the former, fruited plain.
Taking out MS-13 is like putting one’s finger in the dike. Those bastards will just keep on coming until the root cause is identified and corrected. As ALL the aforementioned enablers need to be rounded up and terminated with prejudice. And THAT just for starters. Then, and only then, will eliminating MS-13 types bear fruit.
MS-13 is but a symptom. They are not the illness.
On November 24, 2017 at 10:06 am, Randolph Scott said:
Dan III,
I completely understand and agree with all the points you bring out, however We The People cannot waste the time, energy or resources using a ‘top down’ solution to solving this problem. The only way to solve this problem and all those you have pointed out is to use the ‘bottom up ‘ approach.
Eliminating those at the bottom i.e. gangs, and small organizations such as bullshit communistic/liberal/anti Christian 501(c) corporations that are supporting the criminals at the top is the place to start. Start by eliminating MS13 completely.
How do you topple a tall building, take out the support at the bottom. The building will crumble.
On November 24, 2017 at 11:07 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Scott,
It IS quite a mess this once, great country is in and only getting worse.
Starting top down, bottom up….whatever direction. The cleansing has to start somewhere. Yet, as I wrote there are millions of dumb ass Amerikans supporting the destruction of their own nation. Witness Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown whose state harbors the greatest contingent of MS-13 enemies. He has done nothing but give those criminals more and more protections.
I hope you had a peaceful and pleasant Thanksgiving.
On November 25, 2017 at 9:09 pm, Randolph Scott said:
People like moonbeam are just second and third tier people. Even they can be convinced that it is not worth their time to be a bad politician.