John Cornyn Continues To Side With Gun-Grabbers
BY Herschel Smith
The real question here is why is John Cornyn so eager to give the gun-grabbers a victory, teaming with the likes of Chris Murphy and Dianne Feinstein to “Fix NICS”? After all, we’re talking about a politician that the NRA, which gives him an”A+,” says “has always defended our gun rights in Congress!”
And it’s not like there’s any delegated Constitutional authority for the national government to impose prior restraints on firearms transfers in the first place. So why give citizen disarmament leaders something to crow about, especially since no one but a useful idiot believes expanding infringements is aimed at any but the law-abiding?
For whatever reason – I consider it to be a moral deficiency – this isn’t any different than what we’ve seen for years with him. He pushed mental health checks two years ago with bureaucrats getting the say over whether someone was “mentally defective.”
This does go to show one useful thing in particular: NRA scoring is meaningless. Don’t ever trust it for anything.
On November 29, 2017 at 10:58 am, June said:
There is talk here in Texas about putting forth a serious primary challenger to Cornyn. Lately he seems to be a passenger in the back of McCain and Graham’s bus.