If You Are A White Male, Nurse Evil Wants You To Die
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 1 month ago
Here is the full report.
First of all, I realize that nurses do not swear the Hippocratic oath like doctors. Second, I do not believe in the concept of thought crimes. I don’t want such an idea ever applied to me, and I won’t apply it to her.
Still, there is the notion of legal obligations and criminality that may have come from negligence or even intent, and so she should be investigated. She has the right to think what she wants, but she doesn’t have a right to act on it if that means violating laws against persons.
Now that the individual has been addressed, think for a moment about how she got here. The society enabled her, perhaps even persuaded her and encouraged her to think this way, to blame all evil in her universe on the white patriarchy. Evil, problems, social ills, etc., are all a function not of individual choices she and her community makes, or of the moral conditions of the soul. They are always and forever a function of someone or something else.
This is the condition wrought by modern education and the entitlement state. It isn’t just that it steals from you and your family. That would be bad enough, for we know from the Scriptures that the “Good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children” (Proverbs 13:22), and how do you do that when much of your wealth goes to the state? It’s worse. In cases like these, she may have inflicted pain or maimed or even killed someone because of her attitude.
Ponder this for a moment. If they tried any harder could they find a better way than things like this to foment a class war, race war, or culture war? One is tempted to conclude this is their intention, yes? Would you want loved ones to be treated by this girl or someone like her? How would you ever know if the nurse treating you is someone like her?
On November 28, 2017 at 7:18 am, Fred said:
In a market economy of free trade she would not be a nurse. The market would have weeded her out long ago. That this lady is a ‘nurse’ is the product of socialized medicine where incompetence merits equal pay for hating your customer, somebody who is presumably in a weakened condition. An evil girl fits well into an evil system.
Doctors, nurses, and police used to desire these positions in order to help their neighbors. Government ruins everything.
On November 28, 2017 at 11:29 am, Randolph Scott said:
This woman is of the type of black nurses that always work the night shift in hospitals. They think they are entitled to do NOTHING, yet get paid. We watched as a staff of three black nurses totally and completely ignored my mother in law during her final stay in the hospital. These black bitches always ignored when ever she called for their help, medicine was never given to her, and she was never cleaned.. they left that job to my wife and her sisters. We reported them daily and yet nothing was done. When my mother-in-law was moved to a hospice like environment we reported these bitches again and the Head Nurse ended up getting the back bitches fired on the spot.
I know there are many more like this piece of shit, always always, always watch for this if you have someone in the hospital. They like to work the night shift.
On November 28, 2017 at 3:14 pm, Pat Hines said:
“Negro nurse” is an oxymoron.
If the person claiming to be a nurse is an actual RN or even a LVN, she can have her license put into jeopardy for those comments. Boards of Nursing take things like that seriously.
On November 28, 2017 at 9:05 pm, Ned said:
I noticed she wasn’t “fired” – she is no longer employed there. I wish these sorts would always tweet their feels. Makes knowing who the are much easier.