Muslim Immigration: The End Of Europe
BY Herschel Smith
Finland’s Muslim population alone could increase by more than four times, while the UK could see an increase of 2.65 times in little more than a decade, according to projections made in the study.
Around 6.3 per cent of the UK’s population is currently Muslim – compared to the percentage of 4.9 across Europe – with the country potentially reaching 17.2 per cent in the high migration scenario, to the Washington-based Pew Forum report suggested.
The report said countries like Germany and Sweden that would see the biggest growth in Muslim population, stating: “Countries that have received relatively large numbers of Muslim refugees in recent years are projected to experience the biggest changes in the high migration scenario.”
Under the highest level projections, one in five people in Germany would be Muslim by 2050, Sweden is expected to see almost one in three.
At least in the time of the Crusades, there was a Christian presence in Europe that bound the nation-states together enough to fight a defensive struggle against a common enemy. Today that exists no more.
I recall asking a Dutch (who spoke English) about the legacy of Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper. He had no idea who those men were. I am also good friends with someone who visited the home and former classroom of C.S. Lewis, and the guide told him that the only tourists interested in Lewis were now Americans. No one in England knew who Lewis was.
You’re looking at the end of Europe. They want to resist, some of them, but they have no soul for it, no stomach, no foundation, no moral moorings. Combine that with the narcissistic world view which neglects to reproduce, while the Muslims reproduce like rabbits, and they will be Muslim within our lifetimes, and that by force.
My biggest concern is that America isn’t far behind.
On December 1, 2017 at 2:35 am, TheAlaskan said:
Pray that Europe’s muslim nightmare will be America’s clarion call to arms to end all muslim immigration into the US….now.
On December 1, 2017 at 4:03 am, DAN III said:
The moslem invasion of Europe today, appears to have made the fighting & dying of World War II (1939-1945) to have been all in vain.
On December 1, 2017 at 7:57 am, WiscoDave said:
Never forget:
“These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, PM Turkey
On December 1, 2017 at 10:09 am, Frank Clarke said:
The West is inventive and forward-looking. The East, the Muslim East, is conservative (in the worst sense of that word) and backward-looking. Left to their own devices, I have no doubt they would quickly devolve to their natural state: a 9th- or 8th-century culture and technology. They can only survive in the modern world because of our habit of feeding and clothing those who seem unable to do so for themselves — that is, the welfare state.
Unless we dismantle the welfare state and thus cast the Muslim East adrift, there is no solution. Eventually, all those who carry the traits of the inventive West will labor to satisfy the needs of the dominant Muslim culture, until those traits die off and cultural entropy reduces all to dust.