Retired Military Commanders Urge Congress To Enact More Gun Control
BY Herschel Smith7 years, 1 month ago
Sixteen of the nation’s top retired military commanders are urging Congress to pass gun control legislation, arguing that there are many steps that can be taken to curb gun deaths that do not violate the Second Amendment.
In a letter they plan to send to Congressional leaders, the retired commanders, including Army Gens. Wesley Clark and Michael Hayden, Navy Admiral Eric Olson, Air Force Lt. Gen. Norman Seip and Marine Brig. Gen. Stephen Cheney, argue that Congress is “no longer speaking or voting for the majority of Americans, including gun owners” when it comes to the issue of firearms.
“There is no acceptable excuse for our elected leaders to avoid addressing this as a national crisis,” they write.
The group is part of the veterans coalition of a gun control group founded by former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly. They laid out their arguments in a letter they plan to send to Congressional leaders.
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The letter comes as a House panel this week voted to advance a measure that would expand the ability to carry concealed firearms across state lines. Under the bill, known as concealed carry reciprocity, a person with a concealed-carry permit and a photo identification would be able to have a concealed weapon in any state that allows them. The gun owner would still have to follow state and local laws regarding where and what type of weapons can be carried. The National Rifle Association has called the bill its “highest legislative priority in Congress.”
The legislation is scheduled for a House vote next week. Its sponsor, Richard Hudson, R-N.C., said in a statement that the bill is extremely popular and “momentum, common sense, and the facts are on our side.”
Giffords said the bill weakens public safety, and Retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal said he agrees.
“In the aftermath of two of the country’s worst mass shootings, it’s an affront to both our safety as a nation and the common sense of its citizens that Congress would consider actually weakening our gun laws,” McChrystal said. “Untrained and potentially dangerous people have no business carrying guns in our communities, but the concealed carry bill in the House would allow exactly that.”
Well isn’t this special? A list of traitors self identifies – again. We knew this about some of these men, such as Petraeus and McChrysytal. We also knew that Petraeus is an adulterer and McChrystal is a murderer (of the men at Ganjgal). I’m not certain whether we also knew that about the other signatories to this abomination, but if not, then welcome to the party. You’re on our very own list now.
At least with people who haven’t sworn to uphold and defend the constitution (some people grow up hating liberty and never once utter words of commitment to anyone or anything but themselves), urging gun control wouldn’t be out of character, even though still contrary to duty and righteousness.
But these are men who have taken the oaths they have, and then behave contrary to everything to which they have agreed. Oh well, Petraeus did that with his wife too, and McChrystal did that to the men at Ganjgal. Men who can’t be trusted … can’t be trusted, ever. They prove it in all of their ways, in all of their words, and in all of their actions.
The military is rife with such men just as is law enforcement. You cannot use exterior accoutrements as an indication of quality of character.
On December 4, 2017 at 2:12 am, DAN III said:
Flag officers. Polotical hacks. None of whom have ever had victory on the battlefield.
I have not now, nor ever had much, if any love or respect for commissioned officers above company grade. Truly, the aforementioned scum, are in violation of their commissioning oath. They are simply traitors. Each and every one deserve a short rope and a tall tree.
“The military is rife with such men….” ABSOLUTELY ! The multitude of communists occupy every MOS in every branch and the entire rank structure. However, my belief is they primarily exist in the commissioned ranks, where the power is. Witness Spenser Rapone the avowed communist who is a graduate of West Point. He still has his commission and the support of every officer in his chain of command.
The Republic will have it’s coffin sealed with the final nail being driven into it by the United States military.
On December 4, 2017 at 8:40 am, Ned said:
So – some US military officers think civilians should be disarmed.
And Prozi scum argue about the reasoning for the Second Amendment.
That should make it pretty clear.
On December 4, 2017 at 10:58 am, June said:
Obama’s flag officers, his chosen few to lead the military to victory over the deplorable people who occupy and resist the movement to turn the United States into a third world hell.
On December 4, 2017 at 1:19 pm, Fred said:
…[they] argue that Congress is “no longer speaking or voting for the majority of Americans, including gun owners” when it comes to the issue of firearms…“There is no acceptable excuse for our elected leaders to avoid addressing this as a national crisis,” they write.
Agreeing with @Ned, thus ‘commanders’ prove the revolutionaries correct, that at our founding, mob rule was not to be our form of government and they further prove the several states to be correct for insisting on the BOR’s inclusion.
If the individual has no rights, there are no rights at all.
On December 4, 2017 at 2:19 pm, moe mensale said:
“…including Army Gens. Wesley Clark…”
Ahhh, Wesley Clark. Commanding officer of Ft. Hood, TX during the Waco siege and eventual massacre of the Branch Davidians. Ever wonder how the siege and final assault included M3 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, M1A1 Abrams MBTs, M728 combat engineering vehicles (the ones used to pump gas into the structure) as well as personnel?
Clark is an abomination to his country.
On December 4, 2017 at 7:51 pm, Randolph Scott said:
Wesley Clark is a traitor and will be treated as such in the future.