The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
BY Herschel Smith
William Jacobson details his problems with the refusal to peacefully transfer power to the Trump administration. It’s an interesting read, but the thing that most caught my attention is the comments.
tiger66 | December 12, 2017 at 3:59 pm
Absolutely correct. Is it any wonder that gun sales are through the roof?
I, for one, never imagined that I would ever own a fire arm. But after Øbama got re-elected, I realized that it was game on.
I now have several firearms, and I am trained in their use. I also have, shall I say, an adequate supply of ammunition. The revolution will not be televised.
For 60 years, I had no need for guns but I started buying the year of Obummer’s first election. Now have guns and ammo for a war, and lawfully carry a pistol.
Don’t donate to your Republican representative, buy more ammo.
Barry | December 12, 2017 at 6:19 pm
Just added to the stock of ammunition this afternoon.
People know almost without having to be taught, that the second amendment isn’t about hunting. That’s why tyranny will ultimately fail. The more the deep state tyrants try to squeeze the people, the more guns and ammunition they buy.
Now to be sure, they have to be willing to use them, but that time will come. It’s a peaceful, longsuffering people. But they can be pushed hard enough to crack. I don’t know whether the revolution will be televised or not, but I’m certain that parts of America won’t have power, so many people won’t see it even if some do.
Meanwhile, Matt Bracken has updated his visual on the deep state coup. It’s nice to see the major actors all on the visual, including McCabe, Comey, etc., but we should also remember that there are some deeper and even more hidden actors within the CIA, FBI and Department of State that make the wheels turn.
And then there are some even deeper actors than that, e.g., Steve Feinberg and DynCorps and perhaps the head of the snake itself, the Council on Foreign Relations.
On December 13, 2017 at 9:10 am, Fred said:
“Don’t donate to your Republican representative, buy more ammo.”
Very sound advise indeed.
On December 13, 2017 at 9:23 am, Matthew Bracken said:
I’ve updated the coup trap to fill the space at the bottom. I read about Zebley and Cooper in a piece by Victor Davis Hanson in NRO.
On December 13, 2017 at 9:37 am, Jacob said:
Don’t forget freeze dried food.
On December 13, 2017 at 10:28 am, June said:
“Don’t donate to your Republican representative, buy more ammo.”
I would add “don’t donate to the NRA, buy more ammo.”
On December 13, 2017 at 11:55 am, walt willis said:
Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Communications, and Transportation will be issues to prepare for as we enter into the CW2.
On December 14, 2017 at 11:29 am, Strelnikov said:
Source of the much used title of this article: