Churches And Gun Laws In Maryland
BY Herschel Smith
Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler has asked state lawmakers to let handgun owners bring their weapons to worship, saying he wants congregations to be able to defend themselves against a mass shooting like the one that happened last month in Texas.
Gahler backs a proposal that would let parishioners who have the written permission of church officials wear and carry a handgun on church property. The parishioner would need a state handgun license, but not a concealed-carry permit.
He was joined at a news conference this week in Edgewood by the two lawmakers who plan to introduce the legislation— Republican House Minority Whip Kathy Szeliga and state Sen. Wayne Norman — and three local pastors who support the idea. The sheriff, also a Republican, said he asked lawmakers to pursue the issue.
They called the measure the Parishioner Protection Act of 2018.
The Sheriff is to be congratulated for his stand. It isn’t constitutional carry, you say? No, it’s not. But it’s all he could ever hope to get (regardless of his views on constitutional carry). So why does he want this for Marylanders?
Gahler said there are about 300 churches in Harford County and about 20 Sheriff’s Office deputies on duty at any time.
“The police cannot be everywhere, and this proposed legislation grew out of the faith-based community reaching out to us,” he said.
But continuing with the previous report, this isn’t likely to happen.
The proposal is counter to political winds in Annapolis, where the presiding officers of the Democrat-dominated General Assembly have proposed tightening — not loosening — Maryland’s gun laws.
“We don’t need guns in churches,” Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller said in a statement to The Baltimore Sun.
Miller and House Speaker Michael E. Busch, both Democrats, have jointly announced support for expanding the state’s ban on assault-style weapons and revamping the process for appealing denial of concealed-carry permit requests.
Miller and Busch want to replace the Handgun Permit Review Board, which is composed of five political appointees who can overturn decisions of the Maryland State Police, with an administrative judge — taking gun permit requests out of the hands of civilians.
“Maryland has one of the strongest gun control laws in the country — and we are not going to take a step backward now,” Busch said in a statement.
Given that environment, “I don’t see it happening,” Del. Kathleen Dumais said of the new proposal on guns in houses of worship.
“We will certainly hear the bill,” said Dumais, a Montgomery County Democrat who is vice chair of the House Judiciary Committee. “I am just not convinced that more people carrying guns is the solution.”
Under current law, those who want a concealed-carry permit must undergo training and apply to the state police. The applicant must show “a good and substantial reason” for needing the permit, and the police investigate to determine whether the applicant has “exhibited a propensity for violence or instability.”
“Good and substantial reason.” You see, you basically cannot have a concealed handgun permit in Maryland. It isn’t a shall issue state. The Sheriff wants to allow congregants to carry on church property without one.
The communists in Maryland would rather see congregants die. They are one Islamist away from hundreds of deaths that could have been avoided.
Do you live in Maryland? If so, why?
On December 14, 2017 at 1:10 pm, Fred said:
The sheriff and the parishioners have a responsibility before the LORD to seek a rightful condition and to warn. Only they know for sure but it would appear that any future blood will not be on their hands. Lying by omission and failing to act are well established in scripture as failure with our fellow man and as sin before God.
On December 14, 2017 at 6:26 pm, Jeffersonian said:
Sounds like Sheriff Gahler will be facing some sudden, multiple, 30-year-old “sexual assault” allegations during his next election.
Any cop who tries to not be evil is driven out and destroyed.