Fixing NICS
BY Herschel Smith7 years ago
Via David Codrea, this from Larry Keane writing for Ammoland.
For those on the pro-gun side who argue online or respond to posts with the message that the entire system should be scrapped for whatever reason, or that it will lead someday to a national gun registry, you need to hear this: Take a breath, think.
If there was not a NICS system, we would have had some other system imposed, just as we did in the five years before NICS was implemented. The Brady Act imposed a waiting period while NICS was under construction. Would you prefer that? Existing federal law prevents a national registry. That will not change with Fix NICS.
Well isn’t that just swell. Larry Keane, head of NSSF, is lecturing us on accepting something because something else could be worse. Nevermind that the whole thing is an unconstitutional infringement.
Smarter and more morally grounded writers, Roger J. Katz, Attorney at Law, and Stephen L. D’Andrilli, also write for Ammoland why they are concerned about “fixing NICS.”
Anti-gun proponents, through their Congressional representatives—Senate Democratic Party members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, including ranking Democratic Party member, Dianne Feinstein, and her principal cohorts, Patrick Leahy, Richard Blumenthal, Dick Durbin, and Sheldon Whitehouse, among others—wish to move the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and other criminal and mental health databases into an efficient and massive and broad digital firearms registration scheme, embracing more and more individuals and incentivizing the military and the States to add comprehensive criminal and mental health data into NICS and other databases. Through this Hearing, and through recent comments of anti-gun proponents in news broadcasts, we see renewed efforts by anti-gun proponents, stoked by the recent mass shooting incidents—to weaken the Second Amendment beyond past efforts. Emboldened, we see efforts afoot by anti-gun proponents to transform NICS and other federal and State databases into a comprehensive digital firearms’ registration scheme, wrapping it into a more restrictive, draconian criminal and mental health background check scheme.
It’s a long article and well worth your time. Please read it all, and thanks to David for bringing Keane’s Krap to our attention.
You know my position. I’ve made it abundantly clear, and I don’t retreat one iota from it. “I do not support any bill, ever, under any circumstances, for any reason whatsoever, that includes more gun laws. I do not believe in compromise.”
On December 14, 2017 at 12:39 am, Scott said:
Well it doesn’t matter now anyway.
The Reps weren’t going to get NCCR passed without “fix NICS” unless they played hardball and changed the rules to allow passage of it with 51 votes (and the Reps don’t play hardball).
Even then it was very possible they might not have been able to get the 51 votes from our side.
And they probably can’t get it with “fix NICS” even with Dem help to get it over the 60 vote threshold.
So, the country continues to divide into states where the right to arms doesn’t exist – CA, NJ, etc, – and those where it does – like the 11 or 12 states that allow Constitutional Carry now.
NCCR would have driven a stake into the anti-gun hearts of the non-free states.
But the opportunity will likely be gone after 2018 since the Reps love to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
The SC isn’t going to save us, and the Republicans have (or are going to) squander the opportunity.
Pretty disappointing.
On December 14, 2017 at 12:51 am, Herschel Smith said:
Yea, and so much for the Hearing Protection Act. Heard much about that lately, or removing SBRs and suppressors from the NFA?
On December 14, 2017 at 1:34 am, Angus McThag said:
When we select all or nothing, we normally get at least nothing.
Often worse than nothing.
No compromise is a losing strategy.
Sadly, it’s simple one losing strategy among many and we seem to elect fools who try them in order.
I want a winning strategy. No, I don’t have one. But I can see what has been failing for years and don’t want do that any more.
On December 14, 2017 at 3:13 am, DAN III said:
For those of you who continue believing that Demokrats are evil….wake up ! Registered Republicans are no better than Dems. Wake up….Democrat/Republican, Left wing/Right Wing….same bird.
On December 14, 2017 at 8:54 am, Michael said:
@ Dan III – exactly right!
On December 14, 2017 at 11:13 am, KG said:
Angus, compromise is what got us to where we are now.
When someone demands your head, compromising with “how about just the scalp?” is not really an option.
On December 14, 2017 at 11:49 am, revjen45 said:
After 2 concussions and dying for 10 minutes (heartbeat and respiration = 0) my doctor told me I should have a cognition test. This kind of crap tells me it’s not a good idea.
On December 14, 2017 at 1:02 pm, Fred said:
That same type of thought has crossed my mind. This will force folks to choose between potential illness vs health and retaining their civil rights. And remember, it’s a long term goal of the right and leftist controllers globally to use “medical” reasons for population control. By population control they mean numbers, types, abilities, personality dispositions and on and on.
On December 15, 2017 at 1:36 pm, June said:
I’m okay with Trump vetoing this crap legislation should it get to his desk.
NICS would be working better if existing laws and regulations were being enforced, like for instance, the Air Force updating the database like they were supposed to be doing.
On March 21, 2018 at 11:41 am, Sonya Yonge said:
i Thought background check would be for discipline in the community for all ages as discipline in schools need to get back on schools! You don’t take a person’s gun rights defense away because he has medical issues and there’s very low percentage of mental patients committing murder! This is about juvenile delinquency who aren’t getting discipline at school and home! A teacher said most who walked out at his school were the everyday troublemaker. Bring discipline and respect back! A parent told me I have to tell you but so you know your son takes up for me from a bully and she said what’s wrong with y’all? Do I need to come up her and whip the bully’s ass and his mama’s? STOP BULLYING at school! No excuse for behavior!
On March 21, 2018 at 12:43 pm, Herschel Smith said:
One sideline benefit, the way the politicians see it, is that veterans are disarmed via PTSD and the VA. They’re scared of vets because they have combat experience.
Other than that, if you think there is anything disciplinary about “Fix-NICS” or that it was crafted to stop school shootings or anything else, I have beachfront property in Idaho to sell you.
“Fix-NICS” isn’t about anything more than increased gun control and gun regulation, Cornyn (gun controller) is for it, Lindsey Graham (gun controller) is for it, the dems are for it, and Eric Cantor (gun controller) was for it, leading to the election of Dave Brat.