Exiting Counterterrorism Official Warns Of Extremists’ Access To Guns In U.S.
BY Herschel Smith
The retiring head of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) warned ahead of his exit Friday about extremists’ ability to acquire lethal weapons in the U.S.
In a final briefing with reporters ahead of his departure, NCTC Director Nicholas Rasmussen voiced concern about the ability to protect from mass casualty attacks.
“We find ourselves in a more dangerous situation because our population of violent extremists has no difficulty gaining access to weapons that are quite lethal,” Rasmussen said, according to The Washington Post. “I wish that weren’t so.”
Rasmussen, who served as the NCTC’s director for three years, said he had no solutions to offer domestic law enforcement agencies working to prevent mass-casualty attacks, but said a link between the availability of guns and the potential for violence is a calculation for counterterrorism analysts.
“More weapons, more readily available, increases the lethality of those that would pick them up and use them,” he said.
Rasmussen said the U.S. should be focused on stemming the spread of violent ideologies, adding that anti-Muslim rhetoric has complicated that effort, according to the Post.
His “warnings” are all bullshit. First of all, the Obama holdovers aren’t worried about Islam. They don’t want white, middle class Americans to have them. His warnings are a misdirect from his real fear.
Second, I feel about this kind of “warning” the same way I feel about it when I read that suicide is highest among white rural Americans. They blame it on guns rather than drive to the root of the problem.
Finally, you learn all you need to know about the goobers Obama hired to captain the sinking ship of his administration when he tells you that “anti-Muslim rhetoric” has complicated the effort to stem the spread of violent ideologies.
As if violent Islam is a function of Western invective against it. I believe he has his cause and effect mixed up, yes?
On December 27, 2017 at 10:27 am, Fred said:
“…because our population of violent extremists…”
This ‘population’ is not the problem, it’s the…guns. Got it. And who is ‘our’? They aren’t my violent extremists they’re all yours spanky.
I have one simple question; Are there peoples who can’t function in a hight trust society or not?
On December 27, 2017 at 4:54 pm, Pat Hines said:
Nicholas Rasmussen, I can smell the fear wafting off your carcass right through cyberspace. It’s stinks like a three day old, warm cod.
As General Nathan B. Forrest said many times, “keep the skeer on them”.
On December 29, 2017 at 8:56 am, BadBigDog said:
“Rasmussen said the U.S. should be focused on stemming the spread of violent ideologies, adding that [the lack of] anti-Muslim rhetoric has complicated that effort…”
Fixed it for him.