Gareth Glaser Wants To Spend A Load Of Money On “Smart Guns”
BY Herschel Smith
Gareth Glaser could be seen as an optimist. After all, he believes gun owners will pay more to implement strong safety mechanisms in firearms.
He even believes gun owners might be willing to have chips implanted in their hands.
The implanted microchip would send a signal to a “smart gun” held in that person’s hand allowing for the trigger to operate, Glaser, CEO of Lodestar Firearms, told NBC10.
The implant is only one of a few ideas to improve the safety of guns. Glaser said a ring or watch could also be used as signal-bearers — if worn, a handgun could be fired.
It’s called “token recognition technology”: The technology keeps a gun from firing unless the “token” is within inches of the trigger. Glaser believes it’s the gun of the future.
“Our token is either going to be in a ring, in a bracelet, or quite possibly implanted right here between your thumb and forefinger,” Glaser said as he showed off a similar smart gun made in Germany. “I think law enforcement would go for that.”
As NBC10 reported in November for an initial story on smart gun technology and the impediments to their sales growth in the United States, an average of seven children shoot themselves each day.
That type of tragedy is exactly what spurred Glaser, of Radnor Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, to getting into the firearm manufacturing business. The former executive with 30 years’ experience in the energy and pharmaceutical industries was at a colleague’s party when the woman’s son shot himself accidentally with a shotgun.
Oooo … yep. I’m sure law enforcement will go for that. And I can’t wait for those chips to be surgically implanted in my hand. I’m sure willing to double the cost of firearms, even though I will have to cut by half my purchases.
I encourage Mr. Glaser to spend, spend, spend, spend like a drunken sailor to make this smart gun technology. It’s brand new. No one has tried it before. Please write me a note Mr. Glaser and let me know how it works out. I want to meet those LEOs who are willing to use “smart guns.”
Prior: Smart Gun Tag
On December 28, 2017 at 10:10 am, Fred said:
You can take your Smart Gun and shove it up your dumb ass.
On December 28, 2017 at 2:06 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Gareth Glaser can EABODADIAF. (Sorry, Herschel, but that’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.)
On December 28, 2017 at 3:27 pm, Fred said:
I’ll keep my 1911 thanks
On December 28, 2017 at 4:44 pm, moe mensale said:
Glaser’s “token recognition technology” is really no different than what is used in that German Armatix 9mm pistol from several years ago. Which somebody managed to defeat with some magnets. Armatix is still around although still not accepted by the mainstream public so I wonder what advantage Glaser thinks he has over them?
As far as gun owners willing getting chipped? He really needs to rethink his business strategy.
On December 28, 2017 at 4:59 pm, Pat Hines said:
Since, as we all know, the “smart gun” won’t exist for a very long time, if ever, what these people are doing is a favor for us.
They’re sucking down money that would otherwise be used for nefarious policies that might work to our detriment.
So, let them suck up funds for this worthless idea.
On December 28, 2017 at 9:00 pm, Ned said:
“The former executive with 30 years’ experience in the … pharmaceutical industries was at a colleague’s party when the woman’s son shot himself accidentally with a shotgun.”
And he thinks his genius invention will help that? Perhaps he sampled too many of his pharmaceuticals.
On December 29, 2017 at 8:18 pm, J said:
Start implanting Fed,State and Local LE.
Then we shall see, The Truth
On December 31, 2017 at 2:35 pm, Jim Wiseman said:
Law enforcement may go for it, but only for mudanes. They’ll never have to.