Mr. LEO responds to our article on the Grand Rapids Police Department:
LOL. Constant “oh those horrible police!!!” You people are completely clueless. Wanna guess what I took out of the back of the pants of a six-year old? A cocked .32 cal revolver his mama had shoved in there to hide it when she heard me coming around the corner. A COCKED REVOLVER – IN YOUR CHILDS PANTS! You people live in a world of ignorance and stupidity. It is very very sad.
Thanks for your visit. It’s always a bit amusing when a LEO (or former LEO) visits this site. The working assumption is normally that we’re a progressive anti-cop site (because you read a single article), or that we’re a conservative site full of readers who believe in state authority and want the cops to protect them but are having a difficult time swallowing the hard, necessary things a cop must do to actually protect the poor “sheeple” under his charge, sheep dog that he is.
But we know, as do you, that you aren’t charged to protect anyone, legally or judicially. All or most of the readers on this site have multiple firearms, carry them, and are able and willing to present and deploy them if the need arises. We don’t want or need your protection. If something happens, we’ll call you to write the report. But we won’t talk to you about it, because we know that the (unbiblical) US Code says that any exonerating evidence you learn from your conversation with us must be excluded from court as hearsay, and that only incriminating evidence is admissible.
As for the little wheel gun you took off the boy, hmm … let me ponder that for a moment.
Okay, I’ve pondered it, and here is my response. I don’t care. Not one whit. Not even a little bit.
Either that lady had a right to it (God gives everyone the right and duty of self defense), or she didn’t (e.g., she stole the firearm in which case she and her boy should have become the slaves of the offended party until the debt was paid threefold). I don’t know the details of the case as do you.
But most readers here believe in Herschel’s Dictum, and if we had met this lady somewhere and she intended us harm with the weapon (or without), we should have been ready to present and defend ourselves. As should you. You should assume that everyone is armed all of the time. That assumption doesn’t turn me into a pathological time bomb. Nor should it you.
Thanks again. Your visit was at least mildly amusing. Oh, and if you violated the constitutional rights of the person you talked about with the revolver, then you should have your toenails pulled off.