U.S. Virgin Islands Communist Governor Renews Gun And Ammunition Confiscation Order
BY Herschel Smith
Remember when the hurricane came through and the communist who is governor of the U.S. Virgin Island ordered seizure of guns and ammunition? We discussed it. Well, he’s at it again.
U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp renewed a highly controversial executive order in January that allows the National Guard to seize arms from everyday civilians.
The executive order Mapp extended on Jan. 2 was first issued in September. The order declares that the U.S. Virgin Islands is in a “state of emergency” and gives the adjunct general power “that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission.”
Mapp told The Daily Caller in a December 2017 phone interview that the national guard is “not authorized to take arms and munitions from civilians,” and said those that continue to think the order authorized that power are being “foolish.” While Mapp continues to make the same assertion when questioned about the order, the language of the text explicitly authorizes the seizure of arms and ammunition.
The governor said in the Jan. 2 order that the nation is still in a state of emergency following the devastation brought on from Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The order also says that the “state of emergency declared effective 12:01 a.m. on Sept. 5, 2017 is hereby renewed, and such State of Emergency, along with all terms previously declared in the order.” That would include the language authorizing the seizure of arms, ammunition and other property.
And it doesn’t even matter. As I’ve previously noted, confiscation of guns and ammunition is irrelevant when you’re not allowed to have any to begin with. Communists gotta’ be communists. It’s what they do. Can a leopard change it spots?
On January 9, 2018 at 9:52 am, Fred said:
“The order declares that the U.S. Virgin Islands is in a “state of emergency” and gives the adjunct general power…”
That last word there; “power” that’s the one. This is all we need to understand. What’s the difference between authority and power? One is given, the other is taken.
On January 9, 2018 at 11:24 am, Ned said:
No doubt the people in Virgin Islands feelz much safer now.