Battles In The Continued War On Guns
BY Herschel Smith7 years ago
David Codrea points out an article by Alex Yablon that appears on the face of it to be quite fair and impartial, but David points out to me that he is a Bloomberg apparatchik and relishes pointing out dissension in the gun ranks. Whatever. There is a lot of dissension and if you haven’t seen it you haven’t been looking. With friends like we have, who needs enemies? Hey, here’s a quick note to Alex. If he really wants to be impartial and fair, I invite him down to my neck of the woods to go shooting at a local range. Will he take me up on the offer?
At any rate, David has made his remarks on the proposed rulemaking on bump stocks. I’ll get to it before the deadline, but I’m still expecting some help from readers. To date there hasn’t been much input.
There is more.
“When I was 18, I was arrested and charged with felony retail theft for theft of $479 worth of clothing at a Chicago mall,” a young man whose name I’m withholding told me in a recent email. “State law of Illinois says any value of retail goods above $300 is a felony.
That was a bad decision, no way around it. He regrets the hell out of it, and has since striven to learn from his poor choice and to lead a productive and law-abiding life. But now he’s a “prohibited person,” forbidden by law to touch a gun. And unless he can figure out a legal way around that, it’s a life sentence.
Well, he has a God-given right to defend his life like anyone else. I’ve made known my views on the alleged “debt” criminals have to society. It’s a myth statists and collectivists like to tell. There is no debt to society. If a person steals, he should become the slave of the offended until the debt has been paid threefold. The debt is to the offended. If he rapes, kidnaps, or murders anyone, his life should be taken by the community. This concept would clear out the prisons, yes? And if someone refuses to become the slave of the offended until his debt is paid, put him into the pit with the murderers and rapists and fill it up with stones, with the first one being tossed in by the offended. How about some Biblical justice for a change?
On January 11, 2018 at 1:10 am, Pat Hines said:
Biblical punishment is either restitution, in full, or death for those crimes in which restitution isn’t available. Sitting in prison watching TV and lifting weights isn’t correct punishment.
I’m fine with the above.
I, also, do not agree with lifelong punishment, that of a convicted felon being denied self defense tool access.
On January 11, 2018 at 10:49 am, Fred said:
Either the criminal paid or he did not. Partial life-long payment in the form rights removal is in itself a wrong. I agree with @Pat on lifelong ‘punishment’.
And as far as this mythical debt to society goes, like WRSA, I’ve yet to see a copy of this so-called Social Contract, let alone did I sign it. Only persons have civil rights, society has no corporate rights beyond an individual’s rights. But now, in America, the government has rights and the people have duties to it, inverting the purpose of government.