Armed Antifa Apparently Involved In Charlottesville Death Of Heather Heyer
BY Herschel Smith7 years ago
Dwayne Dixon, a University of North Carolina anthropology professor and leader of the armed Antifa group Redneck Revolt, has admitted to chasing James Alex Fields Jr. with a rifle just before he drove into a group of protesters — killing Heather Heyer.
This new revelation adds some insight into what was happening in the moments leading up to the fatal incident.
In a Facebook post by Dixon on January 7, obtained by the Gateway Pundit, he wrote:
“I take perverse pleasure in having carried this Spike’s lower in the defense of Justice Park on August 12th. I used this rifle to chase off James Fields from our block of 4th St before he attacked the marchers to the south. Spike’s needs a good lesson in ethics and antifascism.”
Apparently, they are involved to some degree or other. I know I’ve panned Redneck Revolt before, and true enough they appear to be generally incompetent, lazy, philosophically incoherent, goofy and miserable.
But the moral of the story here is that if you intend to go armed at rallies for the purpose of protecting others, you’d better be prepared to use those arms and suffer the consequences for it, whatever they may be. This isn’t a game folks.
Frankly, I am of the opinion that no rally is going to convince anyone to rethink their flawed views of history, question their world view, or ameliorate bad decisions in politics. A rally cannot undo the effects of a century of false teaching embedded into the consciousness of multiple generations.
The sons and daughters of hippies are statists and collectivists. It’s always been this way. If you believe nothing, your children will believe anything.
On January 17, 2018 at 12:20 am, Pat Hines said:
Heather Heyer wasn’t struck by a car, Field’s or any other, she died from a massive heart attack. I’ve personally reviewed at least three videos taken from different angles. Heyer isn’t being struck by a car in any of them.
I don’t doubt that communist thug may have chased and assaulted Fields, but there was no death involved.
That Fields has been charged reflects upon the (((communist))) that is the Charlottesville mayor continuing to work against us.
On January 17, 2018 at 9:14 am, H said:
That’s an AK. Spike’s makes AK’s now? Or did perhaps he make all this up. What would be the odds on that.
On January 17, 2018 at 10:02 am, Herschel Smith said:
I just cited the article, I didn’t do an analysis of it. That’s only one picture of him, and not the picture they found on Facebook. You have to visit the Gateway Pundit post. I should have grabbed the other picture, but that one doesn’t show his face.
On January 17, 2018 at 10:17 am, Randolph Scott said:
The best lesson in this article:
“If you believe nothing, your children will believe anything.”
On January 17, 2018 at 11:54 am, anonman said:
…so Fields was fleeing a person who threatened him with a rifle. (You can see Dixon’s tattoo on his left forearm in the pic with the Spike’s lower). And it looks like Fields hit some people, but no one died from being hit by the car. You can also see someone hitting his car with a weapon early in another video before the car goes into the crowd.
It’ll be interesting if he beats the charges. I think he might have a shot.
On January 17, 2018 at 12:14 pm, 173d Viet Vet said:
Heather Heyer was a chain smoker, and heavy drinker who was morbidly obese, wearing black tight clothing on that hot Summer day when she decided to march with Antifa. She died of a heart attack. Her mother made a statement that Heather had debilitating medical issues and was not struck nor killed by Fireld’s car.
Please do more research to confirm what I and Pat Hines are saying…and then re-word your comments accordingly.
On January 17, 2018 at 12:17 pm, Herschel Smith said:
As I said earlier, I just cited and lifted some of the text from the subject post. I didn’t do an analysis. That wasn’t my intent. I don’t doubt what you’re saying.
On January 17, 2018 at 2:43 pm, Wondering said:
So, when is enough enough? When do we the people take these antifa morons in to account for what they are doing? Its not like law enforcement is going to do anything, sure they will arrest them and let them out on bail.
Time for consequences for actions.
On January 17, 2018 at 2:57 pm, Chris Mallory said:
There have been cases where bystanders to a robbery had a heart attack and the robber was charged with their murder. The most recent in Wisconsin in 2017.
Heyer’s poor health will not matter, the thin skull rule, if it is determined that Fields hitting the crowd was the cause of her heart attack.
These will be matters for the courts and a jury to decide. It is doubtful that anyone has heard all of the evidence one way or another.
On January 17, 2018 at 5:09 pm, Cory said:
@Chris in this case the consideration could be that Fields was in fear of his life after being pursued by Dixon. Dixon could face charges for Heyer’s death if it is determined that Dixon threatened Fields with a rifle.
On January 17, 2018 at 6:17 pm, rented mule said:
I agree with wondering, every one of these “antifa” need to be doxxed, their complete jacket as it were, available. so that people can contact them in order to have a reasonable & productive dialog with them.
On January 17, 2018 at 7:18 pm, Henry said:
“There have been cases where bystanders to a robbery had a heart attack and the robber was charged with their murder. The most recent in Wisconsin in 2017.”
Yes, but the felony-murder law applies only if the causal activity was a felony, as in a bank robbery, kidnapping, holdup, etc. Fleeing an attacker in self-defense is not a felony, modulo any specific negligence issue which I will let lawyers argue.
On January 17, 2018 at 8:07 pm, Chris Mallory said:
I agree that Dixon could be at fault.
Field’s account, to my knowledge, has not been released. We don’t know what happened. We don’t know if he was fleeing an attacker. We don’t know if he did it on purpose. We don’t know if he meant to hit the brake and accidentally hit the accelerator. All this has been is nothing but speculation and grasping at straws. Does the model car that was being driven have a black box? I know some cars do have them and they record speed and braking.
This is all a matter for the courts and a jury.
On January 19, 2018 at 9:04 am, Grey said:
Charlottesville was a dumpster fire, and both sides need to get their heads checked.
That said, I did see a video of fields driving down the street shortly before the crash/vehicular assault, where Antifa protestors close in on his car, and one of them hits the rear of the vehicle with a stick or club. After this, Fields accelerates into the crowd.
Now it makes more sense. If fields was leaving the area because he had been threatened by an Antifa protestor with a rifle, he may have heard or felt the impact of the stick and mistaken it for the impact of rifle fire on the car. Thinking that the armed protestor was firing a rifle at his car, he accelerated to flee, eventually striking the crowd.
In court, if he claims that he thought someone was shooting at him, it would be supported by this story.
On January 19, 2018 at 10:54 am, Chris Mallory said:
This video claims to show Dixon at Charlottesville giving orders and carrying what appears to be an AK variant (at 1:20 of the video). After Spikes Tactical came out with their anti-ANTIFA ad, Dixon stated he used a Spikes Tactical AR (or lower) at Charlottesville (at 2:29 in the video).
On January 19, 2018 at 10:59 am, Chris Mallory said:
Forgot to link the video.
There might be pictures of Dixon with an AR at Charlottesville. Something for Field’s legal team to look for.
On January 19, 2018 at 11:32 am, somedude said:
I have seen the video of the lead car parked in the same position many minutes before with no one in it. now i question, if he was chased and threatened, did Antifa set this up as a funnel to get persons leaving the event jammed up and/or surround by mobs of people. either wanting their supporters to get run over, the opposition to get Reginald Denny’d by a mobb, or the opposition feeling threaten with mob rule or arms they in turn open fire with their own weapons. everyone of those situation is a win win for Antifa. Why did the Police Helo go down and do they have the footage recorded?
On January 20, 2018 at 2:42 am, Vince said:
“…. perverse pleasure …”
No- it is “perverted pleasure”.