Comment Of The Week
BY Herschel Smith7 years ago
moe mensale on the Keymod vesus M-LOK debate:
“I think that debate is also stupid. That’s why my 10″ and 20″ Colt AR15s are fitted with full Picatinny rails! When did AR15s become overly heavy? I think maybe some people need to put down their double frappe mocha italiano grande caffes and pick up a kettle bell.”
On January 17, 2018 at 10:46 pm, Ned said:
Good one, Moe. Reminds me of the guys who are overweight talking about their ultralight hunting rifles.
On January 18, 2018 at 1:09 am, Coyote Hubbard said:
Heh, reminds me of my former boss at work that went on to an even more boss like position…
Anyway, hes a gun guy, and many time I have went over to his place to BS, blow stuff up, shoot stuff, and talk about firearms in general.
Hes also good at making hooch. Early fall of this past year i went over cause he texted me he had made a really good apricot brandy and wanted me to try it out. Hells yes…
so, i go, I get poured a shot of this brandy, and before i could even get my paw around this shotglass, the damn fruit-fly invasion was incredible. I swear i heard Ride of the Valkyries playing in the background as they swarmed and i noticed 3 dead fruit-flies already in my shotglass before my digestive system took them to Valhalla.
After another one, he was showing me his newest rig for sniping.
Holy shit, this thing was like trying to heft around a bag of sand. Awesome optics, awesome gun, awesome bipod, awesome everything, but it weighed a ton. OK, i admit i was a few shots too many in the alcohol/firearms dont mix area, but just trying to heft this thing, get as a good sight picture as possible, and steady an aim was taxing.
In conclusion:
Nice shit factor was 10
Usability SHTF factor 2
On January 18, 2018 at 11:44 am, moe mensale said:
Well, thank you Mr. Smith. If we ever meet I’ll be sure to buy you a double frappe mocha italiano grande caffe although I’m pretty sure we’ll both refuse it!
On January 18, 2018 at 11:52 am, Herschel Smith said:
I don’t want it. Just strong, black, hot coffee please! Or a little bit of Maker’s if it’s late at night around a fire pit.
On January 18, 2018 at 10:04 pm, Joshua Smith said:
@Coyote Come on, man. Why can’t you just hump a Browning M2 around like Mr. Hathcock? Too soft?