Massachusetts Threatens Bump Stock Owners
BY Herschel Smith
Gun owners in Massachusetts are being warned if they own bump stocks, they have two weeks to get rid of them.
The Massachusetts legislature voted last year to ban them and Feb. 1 is the deadline to comply or face criminal charges.
“This is not a joke,” said Jim Wallace, executive director of the Gun Owners Action League. “A violation of this new law is up to life in prison.”
Wallace says many bump stock owners may not be familiar with the new law, and a warning from Massachusetts state officials to gun owners — despite being dated Dec. 18 — only went out Friday, more than a month later.
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There are no exceptions.
The collectivists in the great Northeast have threatened bump stock owners with life in prison for owning one. Do I have readers in Massachusetts? Do you own a bump stock, and if so, what are you going to do about this?
On January 21, 2018 at 11:41 pm, ROFuher said:
On January 22, 2018 at 8:29 am, Jack said:
Thus proving why it is so very important to support the NRA and your local gun rights organizations. See, eg, Duncan v. Becerra and Wiese v. Becerra suing to overturn the >10 round magazine ban.
On January 22, 2018 at 12:31 pm, Pat Hines said:
If someone from New York or Massachusetts, comes to South Carolina to buy a bump stock from me, and I have one to sell, they’ll get it.
Smuggling is a very old “American” tradition, I dare say it won’t stop now.
With life in prison a possibility, the state government of Massachusetts has set the rules of engagement by bumpstock owners, and from all other gun owners living there if they know what is good for them. If enough government thugs don’t make it home for supper, the collection action will end.
On January 22, 2018 at 1:21 pm, moe mensale said:
“Gun owners in Massachusetts are being warned if they own bump stocks, they have two weeks to get rid of them.”
Not true. Sale or purchase of bump stocks became illegal when the bill was signed in late 2017. Possession becomes illegal 90 days after the law becomes effective February 1, 2018.
Here’s the letter going out to MA gun owners.
On January 23, 2018 at 9:47 am, Doug said:
What a HORRIBLE crime it must be to possess a Bump Stock in Massachucetts … life imprisonment! Right up there with Rape and Murder … and kicking the Governor in the nuts.
It simply shows that they expect non-compliance and have made the penalty cruel and unusual punishment for such a minor regulatory infringement purely in an attempt to force compliance.
“A free people cannot even coexist with those who wish to subjugate and enslave them … which renders any notion of “helping them” not just spurious, but highly undesirable at best. It is nothing more than a subterfuge promoted by people harboring nefarious designs on our liberty, property and right to self-determination.”
On January 23, 2018 at 7:26 pm, Paul P said:
I would like to see someone walk into local PD and tell them they have a “bump stock” . Then show them a belt loop on their pants . What would they do then? Ask for a demonstration ? Maybe someone could show them a shoulder fire version with an AR . Nothing added except the gun and person .
Mass is rife for a lwasuit if the right person wants to do it.