Gun Rights And Gun Control Still In Play In South Carolina
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 11 months ago
Lizzy’s Law. It would require certain things of S.C. gun owners.
“In the autumn of 2006, Elizabeth “Lizzy” Hafter, a 22-year-old graduate student, was shot twice in the head while she studied on a mountain overlook in Virginia. The man behind the trigger had stolen the murder weapon and the car he was driving from his roommate in Georgia, the first act of a multistate crime spree that left several people dead across the South. The roommate did not report the thefts to police for nearly a week, precious time lost to investigators.
“He could have been stopped if the gun owner had only reported the gun and car stolen,” Hafter’s mother, Joanne, wrote in a letter to a lawmaker in the years after her daughter’s death.
The letter was part of Joanne Hafter’s shoe-leather crusade to hold gun owners accountable for failing to promptly inform police about the theft of their weapons.”
She is imagining that. She just made it up. She doesn’t know if anyone doing any particular thing that day could have been stopped. But the controllers want you to know they’re watching you.
On the other hand, there are hearings on constitutional carry in S.C.
On Tuesday, January 30th, the South Carolina state Senate Judiciary Committee will be hearing Senate Bill 449 to enact constitutional carry. Please contact committee members today and urge them to SUPPORT this legislation. Click the “Take Action” button below to contact committee members.
Sponsored by Senator Shane Martin (R-13), S. 449 would allow law-abiding adults to legally carry a firearm without first needing to obtain a Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP). Self-defense situations are difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate. Accordingly, a law-abiding adult’s right to defend themselves in such situations should not be conditioned by government-mandated time delays and taxes. The CWP will still be available for those who wish to take advantage of reciprocity agreements when traveling to other states.
Okay, this is all well and good enough. But where is open carry in all of this. WHERE IS OPEN CARRY IN ALL OF THIS?
Has it fallen off the radar, and if so, why? Are citizens in South Carolina letting their senators forget about open carry? Because it will piss me off if this goes yet another session without approval by the senate and house.
On January 30, 2018 at 3:00 pm, ExpatNJ said:
Joanne Hafter – and other victim disarmament advocates – should know that WE are watching THEM, also. Except, much more closely …
On January 31, 2018 at 2:05 pm, Geoff said:
I sent a contact message to the State Senator for my District and told him off.
45 States with Open Carry, with or without a permit and no problems. I told him the Legislature is paranoid about it. I can go 8 miles North to North Carolina and Open Carry and NOBODY cares. I can Open Carry all the way to my Father’s home in Ohio on I-77 through NC, VA, WV and OH.
In fact, since I live close to the SC-NC border, I shop in Whiteville, NC when I need to make large purchases because the Sales Tax is lower and I can OPEN CARRY. Police, Deputy Sheriffs at Walmart don’t give me second look. They basically ignore me.