It’s Been A Rough Flu Season Around These Parts
BY Herschel Smith
As you might have noticed, no posting on Friday. Rough weekend too.
It’s been a rough flu season, or upper respiratory infection, or whatever.
As you might have noticed, no posting on Friday. Rough weekend too.
It’s been a rough flu season, or upper respiratory infection, or whatever.
On February 12, 2018 at 7:55 am, Will said:
If you haven’t confirmed that your serum vit-D is > 50 nmol/liter from a blood test, then supplement with a quality vitD3, 5000u/day minimum until confirmed. Most people are low. Then use common sense and lower your supplement as you expose more of your bare skin to sunlight in summertime. They are reporting many deaths from the flu this year. Did they take the vaccine? Don’t know, but it is a sure bet that they were low D, if otherwise healthy. Google “cytokine storm” and its relationship to flu and vit-D.
On February 12, 2018 at 10:53 am, Duke_Digger said:
My deepest sympathies Mr Smith.
I recommend hourly shots of Fireball. I don’t believe I would have survived without it.
Wishing you speedy recovery.
On February 12, 2018 at 12:27 pm, Gryphon said:
Upper Respiratory Infection has little to no Body Pain and Fever/Chills, Flu usually Does. Azithromycin is the Bullet for Upper Respiratory trouble.
( I tell the Vet, “My Horse Wheezes a lot after He Runs…” ‘zithro is Cheaper in Bottles of 100 at the Pet Store)
Prevention- vit-D and keep a Humidifier in your Bedroom, Dry Sinuses let the Bugs ‘dig in’. Also, Tablespoon of RAW (not ‘processed’) Honey before Bedtime, Antibacterial for the Throat.
Good Luck!
On February 12, 2018 at 6:24 pm, ExpatNJ said:
Being Scientist, I second/endorse the Vit 3 advice from Will.
Also, Zinc ACETATE lozenges. Sublingual. Begin at 1st sign of infection, and until symptoms abate. Refer to (501c3 org dedicated to healing).
If you’re not adverse to alcohol, my friend The Fire Chief recommends:
“Take 2 shots of Yukon Jack and go straight to bed. Guaranteed cure.”