Jeff Sessions Is A Loser
BY Herschel Smith
“I am operating on the assumption that this country prescribes too many opioids,” Sessions said. “People need to take some aspirin sometimes.”
So we have a renewed war on drugs, empowering the police state even more. Sessions had an opportunity to take a whack at the deep state, firing virtually every appointee from the Obama administration in the DoJ, ATF and FBI. Instead he has left much of it intact, with Rosenstein still working his nefarious plans.
He could have targeted the pedophile and child trafficking rings in and around D.C. and in other cities, but he has instead chosen to cuddle with his pet project of moral superiority over others. For the children, he could have done better. He chose poorly. He will answer for how he chose.
Jeff Sessions is a loser.
On February 12, 2018 at 2:27 pm, Chris Mallory said:
I know it isn’t very Christian of me, but it is my fondest wish that all of these drug warriors develop chronic, incurable illnesses that rack their bodies with nerve pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I suspect most of these “tough” guys would suck start a shotgun in under a month.
On February 12, 2018 at 3:17 pm, ExpatNJ said:
Open letter to Jeff Sessions:
I am a chronic pain patient lawfully-prescribed Opiods to cope with multiple co-morbidities. To receive my medications, I must regularly re-document my conditions (MRI’s, X-Rays, etc), undergo bi-monthly physicians examinations, random pill-counts, and drug screening urinalysis. I have already jumped-through all the hoops that I will tolerate.
If _anyone_ takes any action which causes me to suffer pain or discomfort, I SHALL NOT REST until whoever caused me that pain and discomfort shares in that same pain and discomfort …
… and _anyone_’s belief that “sovereign immunity” protects them will come to realize that Aspirin will NOT relieve THEIR pain ….
On February 12, 2018 at 5:50 pm, June J said:
Sessions has proven that he is an out of touch, out-dated, DC swamp insider and was a horrible choice for Attorney General.
President Trump shouldn’t fire Rosenstein, he should fire Sessions and replace him with someone who will do the job that needs to be done.
On February 13, 2018 at 9:05 am, Ned said:
Chris – exactly. ExpatNJ – I understand.
Note to Sessions: Some people have chronic pain that requires medication. They’ve already tried an aspirin. Now, go to the VA and tell all the maimed servicemen all you assholes “support” they just need an aspirin.
On February 13, 2018 at 11:23 am, Pat Hines said:
I’m fortunate to be pain free most of the time, having no degenerative joint disease, or other pain generating disease. I take an aspirin daily to keep my heart vessels clear, I take up to three aspirin tablets if I over do activities that give me tendonitis. If the aspirin aren’t strong enough, I go to Ibuprofen, that always works.
A good friend of mine, we were in the Air Force together 40 years ago, is quite the opposite. He’s had 18 separate surgeries, bilateral total knee replacements, shoulder replacement, cervical spine fusions, and more. He must take opioids every day for the pain to be manageable. He lives in fear that he’ll be cut off from the only safe pain control medication available to him that he can afford.
Sessions is what we used to call, “a shit stain”. I’ll bet he’s on some very powerful drugs himself, drugs that he won’t admit to taking.
On February 23, 2018 at 11:08 am, Ben said:
Jeff session is a loser for not going after what is blatant crimes under Obama administration. Never no d Hillary which is an easy target but so is Meuller Rosenstein etc. Is this guy retarded?
On February 23, 2018 at 11:18 am, mangela marde said:
Jeff Sessions is a Mook, dolt. Where or how he built any reputation at all is shocking. How in Gods name can he plod along and remain in Office. If he had any dignity he should resign and spare the country the humiliation of the office in which he holds.
With all the material floating in the cesspool he is working in he should have at least 6 prior admin in jail or close by now. The Libtards are laughing there asses off as they ride there agenda into the sunset with no information other than what they have fabricated. He has all the goods and not using shit to uphold the law.
Dumb Ass. Trump should fire his sorry Sssss.
On May 1, 2018 at 8:57 pm, jp said:
Massive, utter, abject failure!
The leftist racist, sexist haters would NEVER in one million years make a mistake like this. When they want something done, nothing stops them. They kill, they maim, they boycott, they rape…whatever it takes.
This moral hypocrite and SOB Sessions needs to be hit by an iron frying pan in the face and then by a truck.