National Review On Bump Stocks And “Assault Weapons”
BY Herschel Smith
My skepticism of banning assault weapons has always primarily relied on the questionable nature of the distinction. These are not fully automatic military weapons that spray bullets when you hold down the trigger (though “bump stocks” can now make them behave like that, and we should do something about that); they fire once per trigger pull, just like many hunting rifles, and in fact often use smaller-caliber ammunition. Capping magazine size might allow someone to tackle a shooter while he’s reloading, and would apply even if he’s using a handgun instead of a rifle, but it also restricts people’s ability to defend themselves against more typical acts of violence (police do not limit themselves to ten rounds), and extremely high-capacity magazines jam more often.
These data don’t eliminate that skepticism of mine, but they’re worth noting and considering.
Eh, tet-a-tet, tit for tat, this and that, blah blah blah, yammer, yammer, yammer.
This fellow is the Deputy Managing Editor of National Review, and has argued for a bump stock ban and is willing to listen to another “assault weapons” ban based on the fact that the military “sprays” bullets and we do not.
So in addition to being an ignoramus concerning the use of firearms and anything like suppression or directed fire, he cavorts with gun control.
Which is why given the control of the beltway and Northern elitists have over National Review and the apparent desire they have to analyze their way to any conclusion based on what they perceive to be the “data,” the National Review has become irrelevant and meaningless.
You do realize that’s why they hate Trump and the revolution to overthrow the establishment, don’t you? It upends their own self-appointed role of arbiter of the data and creator of policy that comes from the GOP. By bashing the establishment in the face you’ve gotten into their stuff, and they don’t like it one damn little bit.
On February 19, 2018 at 7:41 am, Frank Clarke said:
The fundamental problem with trying to debate issues such as this is that virtually everything anti-gun fanatics (and this appears to include at least a few at NR) know about guns and gun owners is wrong, and that this is not an accident. They’re perfectly content to hold onto unsubstantiated beliefs whose veracity has many times been called into question and they make no attempt to discover on which side lies truth.
I long ago let my subscription lapse. Saved a lot of $$$ from doing it, too.
On February 19, 2018 at 9:59 am, Fred said:
“They’re perfectly content to hold onto unsubstantiated beliefs whose veracity has many times been called into question and they make no attempt to discover on which side lies truth.”
So, it’s a religion?
On February 19, 2018 at 10:41 am, Bill Buppert said:
All government supremacism is a religion.
On February 19, 2018 at 11:09 am, Pat Hines said:
Miculek versus bump fire stock.
On February 19, 2018 at 5:40 pm, Gryphon said:
These are the Same people who do not/cannot Understand the Context of the Second Amendment (and the rest of the Constitution, either) was to Insure the Right of the People to be able to Defend themselves against the government.
Paraphrasing Tench Coxe: The Militia should have access to Every Terrible Implement of the regular Soldier- What He meant in Today’s Terms is Every Weapon that the Infantryman uses is Protected by this principle- Pistol, Rifle, Grenade, Grenade Launcher, AT Rocket, MANPAD, Belt-Fed and ALL Full-Auto Hand Weapons, Landmines, Flamethrowers, Small (hand carried) Mortars.
Additionally, At The Time, Field Artillery Guns were often privately Owned.
The Navy consisted mostly of Privately-Owned (Sail-Powered) Battleships
Trying to get this across to a bolshevik (or their useful idiots) is Just as Near- Impossible as making them understand what “Shall Not be Infringed” Means. Which under the Original Intent of the 2nd, ALL Federal, State and Local “Gun Laws” are patently Unconstitutional.
p.s. the Fact that the “Not Relevant Anymore” Gun Control organization WILL NOT ADDRESS THIS in any way, shape or form, shows they are just another ‘Swamp Creature’ not worthy of support.