You Were Never One Of Us To Begin With
BY Herschel Smith
Via David Codrea, this news from Florida is most welcome.
The gun store owners who sold confessed Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz the semiautomatic refile he used to kill 17 people on Wednesday said their devastated the weapon came from them.
Michael and Lisa Morrison said that they are so ‘mortified’ over the event, they shuttered their business, Sunrise Tactical Supply, indefinitely on Friday.
The Morrisons lawyer Douglas Rudman said in a statement that the couple are ‘completely shocked and mortified that anything like this would happen,’ according to The New York Daily News.
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The couple also said that they will support new legislation designed to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people with mental health issues.
From the department of pre-crime, anyone who sports a Gadsden flag must be considered mentally unstable and unfit for firearms ownership. Or so they must now believe because they want to give the power over the definition of mental health issues to the all-consuming, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent state and their band of witchdoctor psychiatrists.
Good riddance to the vermin. It’s always nice to see impostors cast out and treated like the traitors they are. It’s best not to have them in our midst and to be found out before they could do any more damage to the cause of liberty.
On February 19, 2018 at 9:40 am, Fred said:
I agree. It’s best to get this all sorted out now. Let’s get all the cards on the table so we know who…
On February 19, 2018 at 12:43 pm, moe mensale said:
Apparently neither they nor their unqualified lawyer has heard of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Good riddance to these sellouts.
“The couple also said that they will support new legislation designed to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people with mental health issues.”
Yes, because the 50,000 laws currently on the books are obviously so inadequate that another new law will fix it once and for all. Until the next new law and the next and the next…
On February 19, 2018 at 4:12 pm, Henry said:
My suspicion: this fellow is running some kind of shady racket out of his shop, not necessarily connected with the Parkland shooter’s sale, and thinks if he immediately bellies up and pees, any investigation that would likely uncover it might be stillborn.
On February 19, 2018 at 7:57 pm, Ned said:
Oh good. Someone knows of a law that will stop crimes. Awesome. Why don’t we ever get to hear what it is?
On February 20, 2018 at 7:43 pm, Michael Donato said:
You should copyright that next to last sentence.