NYT To Banks: Take Aim At Gun Owners

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago


For the past year, chief executives have often talked about the new sense of moral responsibility that corporations have to help their communities and confront social challenges even when Washington won’t.

In the aftermath of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 students and staff members — and at a time when Washington shows little interest in limiting the sales of assault weapons — there’s a real opportunity for the business community to fill the void and prove that all that talk about moral responsibility isn’t hollow.

Here’s an idea.

What if the finance industry — credit card companies like Visa, Mastercard and American Express; credit card processors like First Data; and banks like JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo — were to effectively set new rules for the sales of guns in America?

Collectively, they have more leverage over the gun industry than any lawmaker. And it wouldn’t be hard for them to take a stand.

PayPal, Square, Stripe and Apple Pay announced years ago that they would not allow their services to be used for the sale of firearms.

“We do not believe permitting the sale of firearms on our platform is consistent with our values or in the best interests of our customers,” a spokesman for Square told me.

The big financial firms don’t even have to go that far.

For example, Visa, which published a 71-page paper in 2016 espousing its “corporate responsibility,” could easily change its terms of service to say that it won’t do business with retailers that sell assault weapons, high-capacity magazines and bump stocks, which make semiautomatic rifles fire faster. (Even the National Rifle Association has said it would support tighter restrictions on bump stocks.)

The purpose, of course, being not only choking the financial flow of firearms sales, but trying to shame gun owners, just like laws against open carry are an attempt to shame gun owners.


  1. On February 20, 2018 at 11:29 pm, ambiguousfrog said:

    Like “operation choke point” under Der Holder.

  2. On February 21, 2018 at 12:28 am, Zimmy said:

    Alternatives to the nanny payment blockers: cash and cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, and for improved privacy, zcash or monero.

  3. On February 21, 2018 at 2:30 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    A number of anti-gun activists have stated that they intend to stigmatize owning guns in the same manner that they stigmatized smoking and smokers. So, if you are looking for the model they intend to use, there it is.

  4. On February 21, 2018 at 8:15 am, Jack said:

    If this were to happen en-mass, especially as a result of Sorkin’s column, a strong case could be made for collusion to disrupt interstate commerce. One could conceivably turn this into a criminal case by applying the RICO statutes, as has happened elsewhere.

  5. On February 21, 2018 at 8:35 am, Fred said:

    I’m for it. Let’s go ahead and start the separation into 2 different economies now. What better place to start than with money. I’m 100% in favor of the left having their own commie economy where they steal 100% from each other and drive their entire society into communist poverty.

    There’s nothing wrong with cash and where there is demand the supply of new right leaning banking interests will emerge. In fact there are plenty of smaller and regional banks that would love our business. I don’t know why a regular guy would do biz with these giant state run banks anyway. Why try to force commies to be capitalists. Fuck ’em. Bye bye!

    Why not have an economic split as a starting point for a civil separation? Because the left will never allow that. Because it’s about power and money not about right and wrong, not about free association, it’s about force…oh so ironically…at gunpoint.

    By the by, ammo’s pretty cheap right now.

  6. On February 21, 2018 at 8:59 am, Frank Clarke said:

    Fred beat me to the punch. –Some– credit card company/bank will want all that business, about a third or a quarter of the economy if the estimates of “100+ million gun owners” is accurate. I’ll switch without a moment’s hesitation.

  7. On February 21, 2018 at 9:03 am, Sean said:

    Bitcoin, and other crypto-currencies. The added number of users would likely provide stability to the platforms.

  8. On February 21, 2018 at 9:11 am, Pat Hines said:

    We do need an aggregate effort to hoist these “moral corporations” upon their collective petards of public businesses. You know, like the bakeries that must bake the wedding cakes for Sodomites and so forth.

    If they want to do business, they won’t deny access for those of us practicing our God given right to self defense with the tools of our choice.

  9. On February 21, 2018 at 10:26 am, June J said:

    Corporate big wigs and board members who support the Progressive agenda can hang right after the politicians and media.

  10. On February 21, 2018 at 11:53 am, Gryphon said:

    Remember, these Banks OWN the government – 20 Trillion in ‘debt’ – and THEY set the agenda for the Politicians – that they also OWN. It’s becoming Obvious that that Pesky Constitution is preventing the .gov from doing the Bidding of their Masters, so they are looking at ways to act against the People directly.

    The Solution? Cash and Barter Economy. Just like all the Illegal Aliens do, Network, stay away from Banks, pay minimal Taxes.

  11. On February 21, 2018 at 1:04 pm, Unclezip said:

    “Best interests”. Thank you, komrad.

  12. On February 21, 2018 at 8:37 pm, Randolph Scott said:

    Someday soon these liberal progressive communists will be sorry they ever did this and the other heinous crimes they either committed or condoned.

    The Storm is coming and when it arrives it will suck very badly to be liberal progressive communists.

  13. On February 21, 2018 at 9:22 pm, Travis said:

    Cash it is commies. Some of us know how to live within our means.

  14. On February 23, 2018 at 6:49 am, Talktome said:

    Just one more reason to use cash. These financial “services” companies get a cut of every transaction, then after they make their billions, decide that their personal moral compass, shaped by emotional wailing on CNN and the NYT, should be enforced by restricting free market transactions that are detestable only to them…. and they wonder why we are armed. There is no restriction these collectivists won’t embrace if it makes them feel morally superior. Just shows that people with power want to exercise that power, regardless of result.

  15. On February 23, 2018 at 6:32 pm, ExpatNJ said:

    Here’s the first salvo:

    NRA Just Lost Credit Card Deal With a Nebraska Ban – 02/22/2018 [abridged]
    Customer feedback sparked bank’s review of NRA-branded card
    First National Bank of Omaha says it’s not renewing NRA deal
    First National Bank of Omaha plans to drop its CC agreement with NRA in wake of latest mass shootings. “Customer feedback caused us to review our relationship with NRA”, Kevin Langin, spokesman said 02/22/18, declining further comment. “As result, First National Bank of Omaha will not renew its contract to issue NRA Visa Card.” NRA has ~5MM members. It’s not known how many hold NRA CC, which offers rewards on sporting goods purchases, gas. NRA and Visa Inc. didn’t respond to requests for comment. First National Bank of Omaha is Nebraska’s largest bank by deposits and subsidiary of First National of Nebraska, 14th-largest CC issuer in US, per Nilson Report. NRA card customers were able to choose from variety of designs, including bald eagle and lines from 2A of US Constitution.

  16. On February 24, 2018 at 9:08 am, Fred said:

    First salvo or immence opportunity?

    “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant [literal = slave] to the lender.”

    Cut up your credit cards and be free. Are gun owners so retarded that they will beg banks to loan them debt at 20%? After bail-ins, bail-outs, and the nationalization of the major money center banks why would any thoughtful man be indebted to these snakes and their various cousins and subsidiaries. Good riddance.

    People always say; “But my bank/credit union/whatever is good.” No it isn’t. Debt is NOT capital. They own you!

    Credit Cards Are Slavery!

  17. On February 25, 2018 at 7:04 pm, SAM said:

    The courts have ruled that a business has no discretion in whom it will do business with they have to treat everyone the same.
    If a Christian baker must bake a wedding cake for gay weddings, then under the same law a bank must do business with the Gun shops and the NRA.

    The Politicians, are protected by guns.
    The Politicians’ Familys are protected by guns.
    The Politicians’ Money is protected by guns.
    The Politicians’ Homes are protected by guns.
    The work places of Politicians’ are protected by guns.

    Movie Stars are protected by guns .
    The Movie Stars’ Familys are protected by guns.
    The Movie Stars’ Money is protected by guns.
    The Movie Stars’ Homes are protected by guns.
    The work places of Movie Stars’ are protected by guns.

    TV Stars are protected by guns .
    The TV Stars’ Familys are protected by guns.
    The TV Stars’ Money protected by guns.
    The TV Stars’ Homes are protected by guns.
    The work places of TV Stars’ are protected by guns.

    News Media Owners are protected by guns .
    The News Media Owners’ Familys are protected by guns.
    The News Media Owners’ Money is protected by guns.
    The News Media Owners’ Homes are protected by guns.
    The work places of News Media’ Owners are protected by guns.

    Tech Companies Owners are protected by guns .
    The Tech Companies Owners’ Familys are protected by guns.
    The Tech Companies Owners’ Money is protected by guns.
    The Tech Companies Owners’ Homes are protected by guns.
    The work places of Tech Companies Owners’ are protected by guns.

    But if you say “I want our Children protected by guns”
    Why do these same people call you Evil?
    It’s not that they don’t want anyone to have gun.
    It’s that they don’t want you to have them.
    Their Self, Their Friends, their Family and their Guards (when guarding Them, Their Friends, Their Family and Their Money) are fine.

  18. On February 25, 2018 at 10:40 pm, Fred said:

    I believe in free association. You shouldn’t be able to make somebody bake a cake and if a bank doesn’t want my business then bye bye and if somebody doesn’t want Negroes at his restaurant that’s his problem. You can’t legislate morality, it’s teached father to son. The civil rights act sucks because now nobody has any rights. That’s what communism does. It makes everything a state entity and it seeks the lowest common denominator, which is abject poverty of spirit and purse.

    Even more random thoughts:

    I suppose somebody could make an augment that a bank is a public service but aren’t we passed all that? I’m not against banking by theory or traditional neighborhood bankers. Jesus mentions the minimum value keeping money with the exchangers (I know it’s a parable) but the US and global major money center banks are state run affairs. Really they are just a public harm to the welfare and prosperity of the people.

    And specifically nobody has to offer the NRA a discount on anything for any reason. I sure wouldn’t. They are the worlds largest, non state, gun control entity. The banks and the NRA deserve each other. Having said all that, the PR fronts at these and other entities that are breaking ties NRA members don’t know the NRA from a hole in their head so I will happily be boycotting all of them because these entities think I’m one of their enemies even though I do not like the NRA and have already been boycotting them for years now too. See how that works. I don’t do biz with people I don’t want to do biz with. Simple.

    Chubb on the other hand is gonna git sued bad and they are gonna lose bad. Guns are a civil right. Denying insurance do to the possession of a gun not going to stand. That is if the all mighty black robed ones who MAKE LAW from the bench will even hear the case, ugh.

    But what do I know?

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