Kevin Drum Wants Someone Else To Take Your Guns Away From You
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 11 months ago
I’m not generally on the gun control beat, but I’ll repeat my view for the record: semi-automatic weapons should be banned for civilian use. Basically, shotguns, revolvers, and bolt-action rifles would remain legal, and that’s it.
The last time I mentioned this, a bunch of gun folks chimed in to claim I was an idiot. Revolvers are semi-automatic weapons! Ha ha ha. Being the reasonable guy that I am, I was willing to consider them manual load weapons, since it takes human power to advance the cylinder. A true semi-automatic uses the power of expanding gas¹ to chamber a new load. However, if the gun folks consider a double-action revolver to be a semi-automatic, who am I to argue? That just means my list has been revised to include shotguns, single-action revolvers, and bolt action rifles.² In other words, the only legal firearms would be those that require a separate human action to load a new round. There are other details I’d support too, but this is the main thing.
If I were your benevolent dictator, this is what would would happen. But I’m not, and nothing like this will happen in my lifetime. This is why I don’t spend much time writing about guns.
Oh, I don’t know about that, Kevin. We’ve got evidence of you being on the gun control beat before. I think you’re a liar. I also think you’re a coward. I told you then, “So Kevin, I expect you to kick my door in tonight to grab my guns. Oh, I see, you’re a coward and won’t show up here. Just as I guessed, you want to send other armed men to do it. This only proves that you don’t really believe in gun control for everybody, just some people.”
I won’t argue the mechanics of guns with you Kevin, you wouldn’t be able to hang with me anyway. In fact, I won’t argue at all or compromise in any way. I’ll say the same thing as before. If you want my guns, come and get them. I’ll be waiting for you. I Promise. And if you want gun control only for some people, to wit, me but not the police, then I’ll be waiting for the police when they come to confiscate my guns too. It makes no difference to me who tries to confiscate them. You’re all the same to me.
Kevin wants civil war. If he gets his way, that’s exactly what will happen. That’s a promise.
On February 27, 2018 at 7:35 am, ragman said:
No Kevin you won’t get our guns. And we really don’t care what you “consider”. Another point, keep yer sorry yankee ass up north where you belong because we don’t want your advice or input on anything.
On February 27, 2018 at 8:01 am, Fred said:
No, Kevin doesn’t want a civil war. Kevin doesn’t know what civil war is. Kevin thinks it’s on TV and that he can write about it with his leftist pals while sipping rip-off priced warm milk. Kevin thinks civil war happens somewhere else to somebody else. Kevin is wrong. Kevin has been comfortable for too long.
On February 27, 2018 at 10:25 am, CW Buff said:
So, Kevin, what makes you an authority on God given rights? It is obvious to anyone with any amount of intelligence that you do not know what you are talking about. Must have been a Freudian slip about being a dictator… most of you liberals do have delusions of grandeur. And ditto about coming after my firearms. Does not matter if they are single action, double action, semi auto, long or short, you will get the business end of them if you try to take them. And you can take that promise to the bank…
CW Buff out…
On February 27, 2018 at 10:34 am, moe mensale said:
“And if you want gun control only for some people, to wit, me but not the police, then I’ll be waiting for the police when they come to confiscate my guns too.”
While I agree with the point you’re trying to make, I’d prefer not to turn my home into a mini Waco II. Give the dogs a toy to gnaw on and let them call it a day. Deliver your message at a time and place of your choosing. Just like they do.
On February 27, 2018 at 10:39 am, Herschel Smith said:
What I said is a surrogate. What will really happen? Will my weapons be hidden and buried somewhere? Will I have a sacrificial gun in my safe? Will I take notes on who came to confiscate them, and what will I do with that information?
On February 27, 2018 at 12:02 pm, Pat Hines said:
Like Ruby Ridge, there was only one Waco Massacre for which government to respond.
I don’t know what number would be required to overwhelm government(s), but I think that about 1,000 Wacos would cover them up. What’s the upper number of Wacos that might occur? Try 20,000, 40,000, or many more, all at the same time.
There simply isn’t enough government(s) to handle it all.
On February 27, 2018 at 5:57 pm, June J said:
Everyone advocating banning civilian ownership of guns needs to sign up to be on the raiding parties who will have to undertake the effort to remove the guns from those who will not voluntarily give them up.
Man up Kevin Drum, sign up or shut up.
On February 27, 2018 at 8:57 pm, Travis said:
Who the hell is Kevin Drum?