Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

North Carolina Man Shoots And Kills Coyote To Protect His Daughter And Dog

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago

From reader Fred Tippens, WSOCTV.

ORANGE COUNTY, N.C. – A North Carolina man said he shot and killed a coyote after it came dangerously close to his 6-year-old daughter and dog.

Ian Vigus said that shortly after he came home from work in Orange County, he heard his dog barking near where his daughter was playing.

Vigus said his dog was spooked by a coyote, so he took both the dog and his daughter inside and grabbed his rifle.

“As he started to lope off, I shot him and killed him,” Vigus said. “I just wanted to protect my family and protect my livestock.”

Orange County officials said there have been several recent reports of coyotes in the area.

Earlier this week in Huntersville, a family came face-to-face with a coyote that officials said was rabid.

In a video that the Schroter family recorded of the encounter, the coyote can be seen snarling at them.

More … tests confirm that Coyote that attacked Huntersville family’s car was rabid.

As I mentioned before, I’ve had them come trotting down the road at me in my neighborhood.  I wonder whether this was a Coyote or a Coywolf.  Many of what people take for Coyotes are actually Coywolves.

Via Knuckledraggin’, this is a good video about the Coywolf, but I found that it was too focused on the Northeast and Canada, as if the Coywolf was a Canadian invention and remains in the Northeast.  They also make the mistake of assuming that the Coywolf is just Wolf and Coyote, but it’s clear that it’s more complicated than that.

Coyotes have lived in the East since the 1930s, and recent genetic tests have shown they are actually a mixture of coyote, wolf and dog …

The Eastern coyote is one of 19 subspecies of coyote, which are adaptable predators that live everywhere from the streets of Los Angeles to Florida swamps.

The Eastern subspecies, which ranges as far west as Ohio, is thought to have migrated to the Northeast some 80 years ago, taking over the range occupied by wolves and interbreeding with the larger animals.

They no longer overlap with wolves, which are long gone from the East save for the very rare red wolf, but they remain eight to 25 percent wolf genetically, said Roland Kays, a leading coyote biologist with the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.

They are also about eight to 11 percent dog due to past interbreeding with feral dogs, he said.

The point of all of this is that we have a new breed of very adaptable, very smart canine in the land, one that isn’t scared of humans, may be rabid, and knows how to survive virtually anywhere.

Do you carry guns with you?  I do.  If threatened, you can’t shoot them if you don’t carry guns.

Newly Released Rifles

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago

In the spirit of this post on precision rifle chassis from the 2017 SHOT show, the Bergara B-14, and the Diamondback AR-10 in 6.5 Creedmoor (I’ve got other articles and posts but I can’t find them at the moment), I thought I would drop the following three newly released rifles out there for you to ponder.

The Juggernaut Tactical precision rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor.

Semi-automatic, some extremely nice features, and hold your breath … MSRP $3300.

Next up, the Battle Rifle Company BR10.

Semi-automatic .308, some very nice features, and hold your breath … MSRP $2998.

Finally, there is the Weatherby Vanguard Modular Chassis Rifle.

Bolt action rifle in .223, 6.5 Creedmoor or .308, some very nice features, and MSRP $1519.  It’s strange though, because I don’t see an optic rail on the picture, and optics are not even discussed in the article.

I don’t get the impression that anyone who builds guns for >= $3000 per item thinks that there is a big market for them.  They must be marketing to law enforcement, which necessitates a huge margin and markup since quantity will be much lower.

This doesn’t impress me as a winning strategy for a company in today’s climate.  But that’s just me.  Only one of these rifles is affordable my me or many of my readers.

Suppression Of Arms Commerce Led To The War Of Independence

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago

David B. Kopel:

As the amicus brief explains, a key reason that a decade-long political dispute between Great Britain and American colonies turned into a war was the British government’s attempt to suppress arms commerce. Royal governors illegally seized merchants’ gunpowder and firearms. King George III embargoed the import of arms and ammunition into America. Americans vehemently objected, describing the prohibition of arms commerce as an effort to enslave the Americans, by leaving them no means of resistance to tyranny.

Americans did everything possible to defeat the British suppression of arms commerce. Benjamin Franklin masterminded arms and gunpowder imports from other countries. All forms of domestic production were strongly encouraged.

Then on April 18, 1775, King George renewed the embargo. On that same day, Royal governor Thomas Gage dispatched Redcoat soldiers to seize a large cache of gunpowder in Concord, Massachusetts. Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott rode to raise the alarm. Forewarned, Americans were forearmed. At Concord Bridge, they fired the shot heard round the world. Swarms of armed Americans harried the Redcoats all the way back to Boston, nearly wiped them out, and besieged the city. The War of Independence had begun. Rather than let a government effectuate a prohibition on arms commerce, Americans started a war against the most powerful military in the world.

The above story is told concisely in the amicus brief, and in more detail in my article, How the British Gun Control Program Precipitated the American Revolution, 38 Charleston Law Review 283 (2012).

Go get ’em David.  Kick them in the ass.  Always remind everyone who will listen that gun control started the war against King George and his band of controllers in the states.

The only reason it hasn’t precipitated yet another war of independence is the longsuffering nature of the American people.  That will eventually wear thin and break.  When it does there will be hell to pay.

More On 5.56mm Ballistics

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago

This video is interesting given my almost obsessive interest in ballistics.

In it he analyzes the performance of the bonded soft point in ballistics gelatin, and his claim for superiority of this round is that it expands (like a soft point does) but it is more “barrier blind” than other rounds that are not bonded soft point.  It stays together and intact through barriers.

But take a look at the wound track in the gelatin.  It’s pretty straight and doesn’t fragment, and one of the things we know about the 5.56mm round is that it yaws upon tissue entry and fragments.  This is one of the aspects that gives it its lethality in spite of the small bore.

Compare that now with what you see in this ballistics test using M193 (there are a thousand like it, and also of the M855).  Compare and contrast the wound channel and fragmentation.  Which ammunition would you prefer for personal defense in close quarters battle?

It Used To Mean Something To Become A Marine Corps Infantry Officer

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago

Marine Corps Times:

In a slight change to the grueling initial stage of the 13-week Infantry Officer Course, Marines will no longer be required to pass the Combat Endurance Test to move on.

The Corps has come under criticism for what some have claimed to be unnecessarily high standards to graduate from the course. To date, only one unnamed female Marine has successfully completed the entire course.

But Marine officials at Training Command contend the changes are not an effort to water down standards.

“Over the past 40 years, the Marine Corps has made multiple modifications to Infantry Officer Course (IOC) program of instruction (POI) to reflect the requirements of the operating environment,” Training Command said in a statement to Marine Corps Times. “The quality of the course remains the same.”

The Combat Endurance Test is an intense physical test that assesses a Marine’s endurance and knowledge gained from The Basic School, and is used as a tool to evaluate a Marine’s potential success in the infantry course.

Previously it was scored as a simple pass or fail, but now the test will no longer be used to weed Marines out. The officers will continue to take a Combat Evaluation Test, but their score will be just one of many components of the course considered for a student’s overall evaluation.

No, we wouldn’t water down requirements.  No, nothing of the sort.  Even though we were looking for a way to do just that.

Women’s hips are wider than her shoulders, and a man’s shoulders are wider than his hips.  It’s the way God designed humans.  If you don’t like God’s perfect design for mankind’s anatomy, that’s tough shit.  Take it up with Him.  The hips of women lead to all sorts of problems bearing heavy loads, like pelvic fractures (which is the root cause of most of the female failures in Marine Corps infantry officer course at Quantico) while they’re trying to keep legs over the CoG of the heavy loads infantry has to bear.

I recall during the forced 24-hour march and obstacle course my son went through in Boot Camp, all of it with full kit, one young Marine sitting in the bleachers with us wasn’t on the parade deck.  He had completed the course with a broken leg instead of recycling back through all over again.  I guess this toughness is just a thing of the past until we have our next conventional war.

Oh, unless fifth generation warfare, drones and battery-powered robotic suits for women and weak men fix the problems.  Yea, that’s it.  That’s what’ll happen.

The Marine Corps should be ashamed.  And so should SedDef Mattis.  And so should America.

The National Rifle Association On Guns In Outback Steak House

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago


There is a general consensus that uniformed and ununiformed current and former law enforcement officers should be allowed to carry a firearm for the public benefit. That is why in 2004 Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed the Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act (LEOSA). Under LEOSA, current and former law enforcement officers who meet certain basic criteria, such as carrying qualified identification, are permitted to carry a firearm throughout the country. 

Showing the strong bipartisan support for this measure, the original legislation, H.R. 218, had 297 co-sponsors in the House of Representative and passed the Senate unanimously. Subsequent changes that have been made to increase the number of officers able to take advantage of this protection have been similarly popular.

I’m not sure where this “general consensus” comes from, but I’ll bet it’s not among my readers.  In other news, a SAPD officer just about killed a colleague.

A San Antonio Police Department officer was suspended for three days without pay after he accidentally fired his personal AR-15 inside a police station and injured another officer, according to police records.

Officer Jordan Ramirez accidentally fired a round from his AR-15 on Nov. 1 inside the SAPD Street Crimes Unit office, according to suspension records obtained by

Other people were inside the office with him and a bullet fragment or flying debris hit an officer, causing minor injuries.

Gosh I do hate it when that happens to me.  But leave it to the NRA to miss the opportunity to make the point that this has nothing whatsoever to do with LEOs and everything to do with the policy itself.

Remington Firearms $950M In Debt

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago

From several readers.

ILION, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) – One of the largest U.S. makers of firearms made in Upstate New York has filed for bankruptcy, according to a report from Reuters.

Remington Outdoor Company Inc., of Ilion, has reached out to banks and other agencies to seek financing to file for bankruptcy, according to Reuters.

The company is working with an investment bank to restructure its $950 million in debt.

Remington has not officially filed for bankruptcy yet.

There have been no immediate plans to shut down, Reuters says.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, who represents Herkimer County, issued the following statement:

“Remington Arms is an iconic business in our region that has employed generations of families for over two hundred years. Remington is one of our nation’s longest continuously operating manufacturing facilities. Unfortunately, economic downturns in the firearms industry and outstanding debt have forced Remington’s parent company to seek new credit options and financing through bankruptcy protection. In addition to volatility, Governor Cuomo’s anti-Second Amendment policies have negatively impacted Remington’s Ilion production facility. I have been a strong supporter of Remington Arms and its hardworking employees. My office will continue to offer support to Remington and the families impacted during this difficult time.”

This is tough.  It’s difficult to see how Remington pulls out of this.  $950M is an awful lot of money for a firearms manufacturer.

I don’t know what the future holds for Remington, but it would have been better to have dealt with the issues that were the possible root causes of this long ago: [1] reliance on government contracts, [2] ensconcing in an anti-gun state, [3] reliance on union labor, and [4] lethargy in dealing with the Walker fire control system problems.

Move South, dear people.  Move South.  But leave the progressive politics behind.

Intersectional Feminism

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago

Via Codrea, this perspective from Sweden.

Of course, there are various types of feminism. Sweden’s preferred type is not about universal sisterhood and the spreading of sexual equality around the globe. No, it is “intersectional” feminism. What is “intersectional” feminism? It is a species of feminism that, in accordance with the relatively new academic concept of “intersectionality,” accepts a hierarchy whereby other “victim groups” — such as “people of color” and Muslims — are higher up on the grievance ladder than women, and whereby women who belong to those other groups enjoy an even more exalted status as victims than white female Christians or Jews.

This means that “intersectional” feminists must be culturally sensitive and culturally relative, recognizing and privileging culturally predicated values other than sexual equality. They must be feminists who understand that while no expression of contempt for the purported tyranny of Western males can be too loud, overstated or vulgar, they must, in their encounters with less feminist-minded cultures, temper their devotion to female equality out of respect for those cultures’ different priorities. In practice, this compulsion to respect the different priorities of other cultures is most urgent, and the respect itself most cringing when the culture in question is the one in which female inequality is most thoroughly enshrined and enforced.

This brand of feminism, needless to say, is not confined to Sweden …

I would say that it’s actually simpler than that.  The patriarchy isn’t what feminists hate.  It’s the weakened Western values that now believes in nothing at all, thus willing to believe in anything at all.  This brand of feminism actually believes that they can change Islam to make it more progressive, ignoring the very history of this cult of death and its manifestations through a millennium of history.

This brand of feminism will always be searching and never finding, unwilling to embrace God’s perfect design for the family and society.

Politics Tags:

Journalist Protection Act

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago

David Codrea:

“Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA-15), a member of the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees, on Monday introduced the Journalist Protection Act to make a federal crime of certain attacks on those reporting the news,” the Congressman’s media flack team announced. “The Journalist Protection Act makes it a federal crime to intentionally cause bodily injury to a journalist affecting interstate or foreign commerce in the course of reporting or in a manner designed to intimidate him or her from newsgathering for a media organization.”

In other words, he wants to make something that’s already a crime, a crime.  Got it.

He sounds like a screeching little girl.

Jeff Sessions Is A Loser

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago


“I am operating on the assumption that this country prescribes too many opioids,” Sessions said. “People need to take some aspirin sometimes.”

So we have a renewed war on drugs, empowering the police state even more.  Sessions had an opportunity to take a whack at the deep state, firing virtually every appointee from the Obama administration in the DoJ, ATF and FBI.  Instead he has left much of it intact, with Rosenstein still working his nefarious plans.

He could have targeted the pedophile and child trafficking rings in and around D.C. and in other cities, but he has instead chosen to cuddle with his pet project of moral superiority over others.  For the children, he could have done better.  He chose poorly.  He will answer for how he chose.

Jeff Sessions is a loser.

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