Dick’s And Walmart Take Meaningless Anti-Gun Actions
BY Herschel Smith
Dick’s Sporting Goods announced on Wednesday that it would stop selling assault-style rifles in all of its stores, a direct reaction to the February 14 high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 dead.
“When we saw what happened in Parkland, we were so disturbed and upset,” CEO Edward Stack said.
The move leaves just one major retailer standing alone in continuing to sell the semi-automatic assault-style rifles commonly used in mass shootings: Bass Pro Shops, which now includes Cabela’s, a competitor it purchased last year. Bass Pro Shops was named by Forbes as one of America’s largest privately-owned companies. There are a total of over 160 Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops retail stores in the U.S. and Canada. Both stores also sell high-capacity magazines, which allow shooters to fire a higher number of rounds without needing to reload.
Many large companies have changed their policies around guns lately, as protesters push for tougher regulations. Some have cut ties with the National Rifle Assocation, ending discount programs for NRA members. Dick’s announced that all of its stores would immediately stop selling assault-style rifles and high-capacity magazines, and that it would no longer sell any guns whatsoever to customers who are under the age of 21.
While stating that “we support and respect the Second Amendment,” Dick’s also urged Congress to take action and called for a national ban on assault-style firearms, a ban on high-capacity magazines and bump stocks, and a minimum age of 21 for all firearms sales. “Thoughts and prayers aren’t enough,” a Dick’s press release said.
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Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, has also been scaling back gun sales at its stores. In 2006, Walmart stopped selling guns at roughly one-third of its stores, citing “diminished customer relevancy.” In 2015, all Walmart stores stopped selling semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15, the weapon of choice in mass shootings such as those in Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Las Vegas, and most recently in Parkland, Florida.
Ridiculous. So someone tell me the last time you were in a Dick’s or Walmart and saw anyone buy a gun? Anyone? I didn’t think so.
Gun buyers don’t go to Walmart or Dick’s. You have to call someone over to the counter just to ask about that ammunition behind the counter that you can’t pick up. Otherwise, the gun counter is the most unmanned part of the store. No one is buying anything, save a little ammunition or cleaning supplies from time to time.
Walmart will still continue to struggle competing with Amazon, and Dick’s will continue to sell pansy-ass golf gear and clothes and wonder why they’re struggling compared to Bass Pro Shop and Cabela’s – where you can get literally anything you want.
And nothing else will change. And time will continue to write breathless, hyperventilating fake news about big wins for the gun control lobby.
On March 2, 2018 at 12:56 am, McThag said:
I’ve bought a gun from Wal Mart! My Savage 93 came from there because they had it marked down to under $100 from near $300.
That was enough to get me to jump through the extra hoops, like being escorted out to my car like I was going to start shooting the place up the second I got the gun.
But you’re right, you have to track down the employee with the keys, then they have to find the counter manager who can actually process the 4473… It can literally take hours to get them to trade your filthy lucre for a firearm.
On March 2, 2018 at 5:43 am, Pat Hines said:
I shop online for guns, have them shipped to a FFL 4 miles from my home, pick them up (filling out a 4473 of course), and take them home. Ammo comes straight to the house.
On March 2, 2018 at 7:08 am, Heywood said:
Guns? Sold most of ’em and lost the rest in a terrinle canoe accident. Still can’t straighten my arm all the way….
On March 2, 2018 at 7:09 am, ragman said:
For me Wallyworld is there if I didn’t plan very well and run out of something. Ammoseek is my go to resource for online purchases. I went into a Dicks one time and decided that they had the biggest collection of overpriced crap that I ever saw under one roof and never went back.
On March 2, 2018 at 8:14 am, Fred said:
Sandy Hook? Show me the autopsies. (the coroner may have had an accident but there should still be autopsies.) Even though almost everything appeared obviously staged government had an answer for everything.
San Bernardino? Muzlim Terrorists killing in the name of their false god satan. Government approved diversity.
Parkland? Police assisted mass murder. Police were warned and when it happened they hid like girls. Government trained agents.
The weapon platform itself had nothing to do with these, if all of them even happened. Are you seeing a pattern here. Government was involved in all of these. Ban government! Who needs government? It’s a dangerous menace.
On March 2, 2018 at 8:45 am, Ned said:
Well, the Tide Pod eaters spoke, and Dick’s listened. They’ve removed the apostrophe and changed their name to Dicks.
Nice virtue signalling to get more liberal sportsmen to buy stuff. Wonder how that will work. Perhaps the rainbow bumper sticker on the pink Miata that said “I Like Dicks” was a reflection of this change.
On March 2, 2018 at 12:02 pm, revjen45 said:
Suggestion for getting the message across to Dicks, Wally World, et.al.:
1) Take $200-300 worth of ammo, accessories, whatever to the checkout.
2) take out your wallet full of $20s so they see that you have the $ to pay for what you brought to the cash register. Let them ring it up.
3) Tell them that since they have renounced 2A you will not be spending any more $ there and walk out leaving the merch on the counter and the $ in your wallet. Maybe advise them to stop selling guns completely and stock up on sneakers and golf clubs.
4) Call them and tell them what you think of them and they have seen the last $ you will ever spend there.
On March 2, 2018 at 4:16 pm, Gryphon said:
Bought the first Gun I purchased Myself, at a K-Mart store, it’s a Ruger Mini-14 and I still have it. Retailers like this rely on General Merchandise Sales, Guns are a very small Profit line item, so it is Easy to ‘Virtue Signal’ because they likely will attract more beta-male cucks and SJW-types than they Lose in Gun Sales.
So just F-’em and Buy what you otherwise would (non-Gun items) somewhere Else. And Support your Local Gun Shop!
On March 2, 2018 at 9:17 pm, Michael said:
I’ve bought my firearms at a small local shop, or from my former neighbors who is an FFL. I’ve never purchased a gin from a place like Walmart or Dick’s. Never will, either.
On March 2, 2018 at 9:18 pm, Michael said:
Sorry for the grammatical errors. Typing on a phone sucks.
On March 3, 2018 at 9:53 am, Pat Hines said:
I don’t care if Walmart, Dick’s, or L. L. Bean (who only sold guns in their Maine HQ) sell guns. That means that the smaller, local gun shops will be able to sell and stock more. Greenville has a Cabella’s, though it’s not really convenient to me. My closest FFL is 4 miles away, with another at about the 6 mile mark, both charge $20.00 for the transfer. The twenty covers all firearms transferred, too. Last time I bought multiples at the same time was from a deal on AR-15 lowers, $40.00 each including shipping.
Take that Walmart, Dick’s, and Bean’s.
On March 3, 2018 at 2:51 pm, ExptNJ said:
‘McThag’ March 2, 2018 at 12:56am –
“That was enough to get me to jump through the extra hoops, like being escorted out to my car…”.
Oh, so, they got your name, address, AND the tag# of who’s car you left in.
Remind me to NEVER loan you my vehicle.
On March 3, 2018 at 4:27 pm, moe mensale said:
I’ve been buying and selling firearms, ammo and related stuff for nearly 50 years. Never once did any of it ever come from Wal-Mart or Dick’s or whatever.
By the way, we need to add Kroger to the list also. Yes, your friendly food stuffs purveyor has joined Wal-Mart and Dick’s in not selling firearms to those under 21 at their Fred Meyer stores.